do cats lose whiskers when stressed

Cats may also lose their whiskers due to: Stress. Things that cause stress in cats may include moving or changes within your household, like a new family member or pet. Focusing on helping your cat feel safe and secure can help them get back to their happy place.

Allergic Reaction

Your cat may be experiencing an allergic response if they are shedding multiple whiskers. It could be a food or environmental allergy they are responding to. Grass, pollen, or mold can be irritating to them and trigger whisker loss. Some of the symptoms your cat has an allergy include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Red or dry skin
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Excessive grooming

Seasonal allergies could be the cause if your cat gets a cold at particular times of the year. Additionally, your feline may be irritated by fleas due to a sensitivity to them. Unbelievably, fleas can infect cats just like they can dogs. Cats frequently exhibit allergic reactions as well, manifesting as skin inflammation or dermatological problems.

Why Do Cats Shed Their Whiskers?

The majority of indoor cats shed their fur at low levels throughout the year, and new hair grows in to replace it several times. While your four-legged friend won’t lose their whiskers as frequently as they lose their fur, the process is still the same: damaged or scruffy whiskers fall out to make room for new, healthy ones to grow.

It’s crucial to understand that your cat won’t shed their whiskers all at once because it’s not a seasonal phenomenon. Every few months, a single whisker will shed, and at any given time, each whisker will be in a different stage of the shedding cycle.

Cats naturally shed their whiskers, and some folklore even holds that discovering a whisker on a cat is auspicious!

do cats lose whiskers when stressed

Bacterial or Fungal Infection

In cats, bacterial and fungal reactions can result in hair loss. The whiskers on your cat may fall out if they become infected in the area where they are located. A cut or injury to your cat’s skin may result in a skin infection. Some of the indications of skin infection are:

  • Itchiness
  • Crusted skin
  • Small, raised lesions
  • Dried discharge in an infected area

Because the infection may affect the skin’s epidermis layer, your cat’s skin is not as protected and is more prone to losing whiskers. Infection of a deep skin wound in the inner folds of the skin is another possibility.

Suppose there have been considerable changes in your living environment, such as a move to a new home or another pet or family member passing on. In that case, it can cause extreme stress, leading to some whiskers coming out of your fur baby’s cheeks. Some other symptoms of stress in cats include:

  • Hiding more than usual
  • Urinating outside the litterbox
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Excessive vocalization
  • Excessive scratching
  • Lack of appetite

You might also observe your cat acting aggressively toward people or other furry family members if they are under stress. By giving your cat a consistent schedule, like regular playtime and couch cuddles, you can help them reduce stress.

Shading may occur during a fight or during rough play if your cat and another cat lover in your home have a history of fighting. This is particularly true if your cat is let outside and gets into an altercation with another cat.

Another possibility is that your cat’s whiskers may come out if they rub against trees or other objects with sharp edges. Making sure your lovely cat stays inside is the best way to protect them from physical harm. If you notice aggressive play between cats, you should also stop it.

Just like humans, cats can get acne. Your cat’s chin is where outbreaks most frequently occur. If your cat’s acne is particularly bothersome, it might be located near to its whiskers, which could hasten the loss of whiskers. The following are a few things that can cause feline acne:

  • Hyperactive sebaceous glands
  • Viral, fungal, or bacterial infection
  • Eating or drinking from plastic containers
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Poor hygiene

The greatest defense against feline acne is to use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel water and food bowls. Plastic food and water bowls corrode your cat’s skin and cause whisker loss due to bacteria and dirt getting trapped in the cracks and scratches. This results in acne on your cat’s face.


What causes cat whiskers to fall out?

Bacterial and fungal reactions can trigger hair loss in your cat. If your feline companion gets an infection in an area near their whiskers, it can cause their whiskers to fall out. If your cat’s skin is cut or injured, it can cause a skin infection.

How do you know if your cat has whisker stress?

If you are noticing that your cat is all of a sudden making messes with her cat food, pulling food out of her bowl to eat on the floor, or is more finicky about her food, some say that whisker stress could be to blame.

What does whisker fatigue look like?

Cats that experience whisker fatigue or whisker stress may show it by not settling down in front of its food bowl, eating only out of the center of the bowl, trying to get the food out of the bowl or tipping it over to eat off the floor. These cats may also become aggressive toward other pets around food.

Why are my cats whiskers breaking off?

Wear and tear from everyday activities, such as exploring tight spaces or rubbing against surfaces, can cause whiskers to break more frequently. As you know, cats love to poke their noses everywhere, and their tireless curiosity can contribute to increased breakage of these sensitive hairs.