do cats love their owners as much as dogs

Cats can learn to trust their owners and may even show signs of jealousy when another person enters the picture. In our experience — supported by quality research — cats are as capable of loving their owners as much as any dog.

Moreover, about 65% of cats and kittens exhibited secure attachment patterns to their owners, a percentage that is almost identical to that of human infants with their caregiver.

In the OSU study, researchers had cats participate in a “secure base test” which has also been given to babies and dogs. During the test, the cat spends two minutes in a new room with their caregiver. This is followed by a two-minute period alone, which is then followed by a two-minute reunion with the same caregiver.

Oregon State University researcher Kristyn Vitale says for the first time, she and her team have empirically proven that cats have the same attachment styles as babies and dogs. It’s just that Whiskers demonstrates different ways of proving that closeness than Fido.

While a good amount of research has been done on infants and dogs, very little has been done on cats and their attachment styles, according to Vitale.

Cats are frequently perceived as being more distant and aloof from their caregivers than puppies and dogs. However, as Brian Bull of KLCC notes, there is an incredibly strong bond between humans and cats.

Scientists claim that love is chemical, so that’s how they measured it. As we discovered last year, dogs experience the hormone oxytocin, which promotes pleasure in the brain and strengthens the bond between parents and children, when they see their owners.

Researchers recently completed a study for the BBC documentary “Cats vs. Dogs,” have found that when a dog sees its owner, it generates five times more love than a cat.

It may surprise you to learn, though, that dogs seem to be more affectionate than people. According to Zak, an individual’s oxytocin levels typically increase by 40–60 percent following interactions with a spouse or child.

This time, the “love hormone” was measured in pets both before and after they were seen by their owners. After having their saliva sampled, ten dogs and ten cats played with their owners for ten minutes. After, the saliva was tested again. Both animals had increased oxytocin levels, but dogs’ levels increased by 57. 2% of the hormone, as opposed to 12% in the cats (One dogs hormone actually went up 500 percent!).

The neuroscientist Dr. said, “I was really surprised to discover that dogs produced such high levels of oxytocin.” Paul Zak, who worked with the documentarys results, said. Additionally, it was a pleasant surprise to learn that cats even produce any. Cats and their owners appear to bond at least occasionally. “.


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