do cats pee on beds

It is also common for cats to pee on their owner’s beds if they are experiencing high levels of anxiety or stress which results in chemical imbalances in the body.

You Need More Cat Litter Boxes

Even if you have a couple of litter boxes, it still may not be enough.

Certain cats refuse to share a litter box with another cat, and others prefer to urinate and defecate in separate boxes,” according to Garber. “As a general rule, it’s a good idea to have a litter box for every cat in the house, plus an additional one, and to have one on each floor.” “.

Probably not what you want to hear. Yay, more cat litter to clean. However, that’s still preferable to having to wash your bed linens all the time, right?

For kittens, having multiple litter boxes is especially advisable, says Garber. She states that you should “never scold or punish a kitten or cat, especially when she’s in or near her litter box,” and that kittens need multiple, easily accessible litter boxes because, like children, their control over their elimination is not fully developed. She will avoid the box because of the bad association this will cause with it. For the same reason, never confine a cat in the litter box to give her medicine, cut her nails, or transfer her to a carrier. “.

Why is my cat peeing on my bed?

Cats may urinate on the bed or anywhere else besides their litter box for a number of reasons. Cats occasionally urinate on their beds due to underlying medical conditions, some of which can be quite serious. However, cats frequently urinate on beds because their needs aren’t being satisfied.

Theisen stated to The Dodo that “cats have three essential needs: safety, security, and stimulation.” “They are safe when they are not harassed or threatened and can easily obtain clean water, fresh food, and a place to live.” Security entails being able to flee from people or things they dislike, reaching higher hiding places, and having a reliable routine at home. A cat’s instinct to be a predator and to chase and “hunt” toys around the house is reflected in stimulation. When a cat is bored or unable to express their natural behaviors, they may behave inappropriately. ”.

“Unwanted behaviors often disappear once these needs are met,” Theisen continued.

This implies that you can help your cat feel more like himself by identifying the need that isn’t being met for him and then making the necessary changes.

If your cat starts suddenly urinating on your bed, the first thing you should do is see your veterinarian to rule out any potential medical problems.

Your cat may be urinating on your bed for a variety of medical reasons, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infection

“You should contact your veterinarian right away if your cat exhibits any of the following symptoms: straining to urinate, acting sick or painful during the urination process, or posturing to urinate but not passing urine.” Carlton told The Dodo.

But if you’ve been able to rule out illnesses like diabetes or urinary tract infections, it’s time to start looking into the cause of your cat’s strange behavior.

Because they are creature of comfort, cats may eliminate inappropriately if their routine is abruptly altered (your cat using the bathroom outside of his litter box, for example).

He probably just needs time to get used to the new circumstances if you recently moved, had a baby, got a new dog or cat, or adjusted your own schedule. For cats to feel safe and comfortable, there needs to be structure and consistency.

Your cat may be acting out by urinating on the bed if he isn’t getting enough stimulation.

Plus, how to get your clean bed back

do cats pee on beds

do cats pee on beds

Even the world’s best cat parents occasionally have this problem, so it doesn’t make you feel any better when your cat urinates on your bed.

When your cat urinates outside of his litter box, it can be very bothersome, but when you get on your bed and discover that you are standing on top of a wet spot, it can be extremely offensive.

The Dodo spoke to Dr. Meghan Carlton, a veterinarian at DoveLewis emergency animal hospital in Portland, Oregon, K.C. Theisen, a former director of pet care issues for the Humane Society of the United States, and Dr. Michelle Burch, a veterinarian working with Paramount Pet Health, to help you find out why your cat’s peeing on your bed — and how to get him to stop.


How can I stop my cat peeing on my bed?

If your cat is peeing on the bed, place treats there. Cats hate peeing near places where they eat. If you change the places where your cat pees to where they eat, they will stop peeing there. If your cat is peeing outside the litter box, make sure you clean the box regularly.

Why is my cat peeing on my bed but pooping in the litter box?

Inappropriate elimination can be caused by illness, anxiety or external changes in their environment. Be sure kitty gets checked for urinary tract infection, because urinating outside the box is a common symptom.

Can cats accidentally pee in their sleep?

It’s uncommon in cats, but it does occur. When a cat’s ovaries are removed during spaying, the production of estrogen, which keeps the muscle toned, decreases. Over time, that hormonal loss can catch up with her, and she will unconsciously dribble urine when she is not awake, or only semi-awake.

Do cats pee at night?

Cats do need access to a litter box at night, yes. In fact, it’s often more important that they have access to a clean litter box overnight than during the day. I say this because cats are nocturnal, or some people refer to them as being crepuscular, both of which means they’re more active during dawn to dusk hours.