do cats purr when they are in pain

Cats in pain may also hiss or growl, particularly if you happen to touch a painful area. Purring doesn’t always mean that your cat is happy. In fact, purring can also occur if your pet is in pain or stressed.

7 Signs My Cat is in Pain

Cats are more likely to bite and scratch when they are in pain. Even with well-known individuals, the cat’s teeth, claws, or both could find them. Cats will automatically attack to stop you from touching the painful area if they sense that you are going to do so, whether it is because someone is touching it or because they anticipate you doing so.

When in pain, a cat may breathe more quickly or shallowly. The muscles in your chest and stomach may even start to move differently since they are both used in breathing. At home, you can measure your cat’s respiratory rate by counting their breaths while they are asleep for 15 seconds, then multiplying that total by 4 to find their breaths per minute. You can feel their breath as you count by placing your hand lightly on their chest and using the timer on your phone. Or watch their chest rise and fall, equaling one breath. Cats typically breathe between 12 and 60 times per minute. When you are trying to count, make sure your cat is not moving, sniffing, or awake as this will result in inaccurate counts.

7) Hiding and Energy Level Changes

Cats like to hide when in pain. They prefer to hang out in closets, beneath couches, and under beds. If your cat is hiding, it’s usually a very telling sign. This is especially true if it’s not something your cat does often. Most cats in pain will generally be less active. This causes the cat to sleep more and run or jump less frequently.

Visit Your Trusted Cat Veterinarian in Asheville, NC

Although this list of cat pain indicators is useful, the best person to assist you in determining whether these changes in your cat are related to pain is their veterinarian. Any behavioral change in your cat should be addressed as it may have serious implications for their health. If you believe your cat is in pain, get in touch with Avery Creek Pet Hospital and let us know what symptoms you’ve seen so we can help you determine the best course of action.


How can you tell if a cat is purring in pain?

You may also hear her purring at times you would not normally expect it. She may also growl or hiss when approached by human family members or by other animal members of the family. Changes in activities of daily living. You may notice pacing or restlessness because your cat cannot find a comfortable place to lie down.

How do you know if cat is in pain?

Poor mood and temperament; increased irritability. Vocalisation e.g. frequent unpleasant or urgent sounding meowing, groaning, hissing, growling. When in pain, your cat may actively or passively avoid being handled by either moving away from people or behaving aggressively when approached or touched.

Will cats purr if they are sick?

Experts have observed that cats often meow or cry between purring as a telltale sign that they are in need of something. Cats may even purr when they are in pain, anxious, sick, stressed, in heat, giving birth or grooming each other.

Do cats purr to relieve pain?

A 2001 study published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America showed that domestic cats and some species of big cats, including pumas and cheetahs, could purr at frequencies optimal for pain relief and even bone repair.