how much should a adult cat weigh

Typically, the ideal weight for the average healthy cat is 8-12 pounds. That said, healthy cats come in a variety of sizes—and that includes weight. More than the weight alone, we must evaluate the body frame size and the lean muscle mass of a cat to determine what a healthy weight is.

What if My Cat is Overweight?

To assist your cat in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, if they are overweight, think about switching to a weight management cat food. Additionally, to rule out any possible medical reasons for their weight gain, it is advised that you speak with your veterinarian. To assist your cat in losing weight, you might want to increase the amount of exercise your cat gets on a daily basis.

What if My Cat is Underweight?

For many cat breeds, obesity is a problem, but underweight cats can also exist. This might be particularly true if you recently took in a stray cat or adopted a cat.

Your veterinarian may advise giving your cat more food or suggesting a higher-calorie food to help them gain weight if their BCS shows that they are excessively thin. Measuring the amount of food is also a smart idea, according to Dr. Lobos. Furthermore, “they’ll probably suggest blood work—particularly if your cat has suddenly lost weight or experienced any other behavioral changes, like drinking more and urinating more frequently.” An adult maintenance formula can assist them in long-term weight maintenance once they’ve achieved a healthy weight. ”.

Regardless of the source, it’s tempting to feed your underweight cat as many calories as possible. Still, you don’t want to overindulge in treats just yet. These may deprive your cat of vital nutrients and lead to excessive weight gain. They might also upset the balance of essential nutrients in your cat’s diet, such as vitamins and minerals.

Don’t overlook exercise and activities, either. These are crucial for your cat’s growth in muscle, which will enable them to gain weight in a healthy way.

How to Keep the Pounds Off

According to veterinarians, cats’ weight gain is typically caused by the kind and quantity of food they are fed, as well as plain boredom.

When they are bored, they consider going to eat. Mustillo remarks, “Oh, look, there’s no food in my bowl. I’m going to bother mom for more food.”

To keep their pets happy, many owners give in to their complaints.

But it is possible to prevent or curb weight gain:

  • Canned food tends to have less carbohydrates and more protein than dry food. Setting up separate mealtimes for your pet with canned food is another smart move. When owners leave a bowl of dry kibble out for their cats to eat from all day, many of them gain weight.
  • Cut back on treats. Cats who get other rewards, like playing with you, do just as well.
  • Make your cat work for its food. Veterinarians have discovered that when cats’ owners use “food puzzles,” which they have to roll or fidget to get treats out of, the cats are happier and healthier. You can stuff some inside a wine box’s pockets or poke a few tiny holes in a plastic bottle before adding kibbles inside. The puzzles stimulate their innate desire to hunt and forage while slowing down their eating.
  • If you have multiple cats, you might need to feed the overweight cat in a different room or elevate the food that the healthy-weight cats eat so that the fat ones can’t reach it.
  • Think about utilizing a pet feeder with a microchip, which restricts access to the food to the animal registered with it. If your pet does not have a microchip, there are alternative collar tags available.

Get your cat checked out physically to make sure there are no underlying medical issues before putting them on a diet. It might be sufficient to substitute set meals for kibble grazing all day. However, a heavier cat might have to go to a special prescription diet or canned diet food that contains more protein, vitamins, and minerals per calorie.

Be patient, Mustillo says. If you want [your cat] to lose a pound, it could take up to a year or at least six months. It’s very slow. ”.

According to Shanker, if your cat is curvaceous, don’t panic. Your vet can help.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean the cat will die of heart disease if they are slightly overweight,” he says.

One thing to remember: Don’t ever starve your cat. Larger cats in particular are susceptible to liver failure if they go without food for even a few days.


How much should an adult indoor cat weigh?

Ideal Weight for Cats Most domestic cats should weigh about 10 pounds, though that can vary by breed and frame. A Siamese cat may weigh as few as 5 pounds, while a Maine Coon can be 25 pounds and healthy.

Is 14 pounds heavy for a cat?

While a 13 or 14 pound cat may be cute in all his fluffy, squishy goodness, he’s actually extremely overweight or considered an obese cat. For example, if your cat’s ideal weight is 8 pounds but he’s actually 10 pounds, then he’s carrying around an extra 25% of his body weight.

Is a 15 lb cat overweight?

However, most healthy cats weigh between 10 and 15 pounds. You should be able to feel their ribs and bones when you lightly press on their skin. Your vet can recommend the healthiest and most accurate goal weight for your furry friend.

How heavy should my cat be by age?

It varies depending on the breed but for most domestic cats, you can take 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) as an ideal weight.