how often to clean cat ears

Only clean your cat’s ears if a small to moderate amount of debris or discharge can be seen in the pinna and the ear drum is intact. Clean the ears only as needed, such as once every 2-3 months. Over-cleaning can lead to irritation. Healthy cats generally do not need routine ear cleaning.

What to look for when cleaning a cat’s ears

When cleaning your cat’s ears, you should constantly be alert for any indications of infection. The following are the most typical signs of cat ear infections:

  • Bad or odd-smelling odour
  • Bald patches and/or scaly skin
  • Excessive head shaking and scratching of ears
  • Dark coloured debris around the ears
  • Excessive ear wax
  • Ears are tender to the touch

If your cat exhibits any of the aforementioned symptoms, it may indicate a more serious issue, so you should consult your veterinarian right away.

Cats are incredibly clean creatures, but sometimes they may need a little bit of help cleaning those hard to reach places like their ears. Find out how to clean a cats ears and what you should be looking out for with our handy guide.

Although cats typically do a pretty good job of keeping themselves clean, there are times when hard-to-reach areas like their ears may require extra assistance. It’s usually a good idea to keep an eye on your cat and clean their ears as needed because it’s difficult for them to give them a thorough cleaning.

Keeping cats’ ears clean is crucial to preventing ear infections and other potential issues, but many cat owners are unaware of how to do this. For our best cleaning tips and advice for a cat’s ears, as well as some warning signs, continue reading.

How often should you clean a cat’s ears?

Consistently inspecting the inside of your cat’s ears will help you stay alert for any issues or potential infections. It is recommended that you include this in their grooming regimen and remember to check inside their ears once a week at the very least.

The frequency of ear cleaning for your cat will vary depending on their habits. Your house cat might not require frequent ear cleaning, but if your cat is constantly getting into trouble outside, they might require more frequent cleaning to get rid of dirt they’ve tracked in.

When your cat is a kitten, it’s usually a good idea to start doing routine checks to get them used to having their ears handled. If not, they may be anxious, which can make cleaning their ears a challenging task.


Should I clean my cats ears regularly?

Most cats have healthy, clean ears and never need to have their ears cleaned. However, it is recommended to clean your cat’s ears if you notice discharge or an odor when examining the ear. Your veterinarian can help you decide how often your cat’s ears should be cleaned.

What is the black stuff in my cat’s ears?

Black Or Brown Ear Secretions If your cat is scratching their ear, you may see some black or brown debris fly out. You may also notice a tiny bit seeping out of their ear. If you look inside of their ear, you may see black or brown coffee-like secretions. All of this indicates that mites are present.

What is the brown stuff in my cat’s ears?

Cats that aren’t suffering an ear mite infection have a lighter brown earwax color that does not smell. The darkly colored earwax caused by an ear mite infection will often have ear discharge resembling coffee grounds.

Do indoor cats get dirty ears?

If you have a house cat you may find that you rarely need to clean their ears, whereas if you have a cat that’s always getting up to mischief outside, they may need more regular cleaning to remove dirt they’ve picked up.