how to get your cat to drink more water

8 tips to encourage your cat to drink more water

Cats need water to survive, just like people do, so it’s critical that they always have access to a clean, fresh supply. Cats are more prone to dehydration than dogs are, despite the fact that they can survive on less water due to their ancestry from the desert. Dehydration can result in common health problems like constipation, lower urinary tract disease, and urinary blockages. In particular, mature moggies (11 years of age or older) will require extra support for their kidneys, so they should drink a lot of water every day. It’s crucial to keep in mind that water should always be the primary ingredient in a cat’s diet—milk, cream, or any other beverage. In actuality, cats may become ill from drinking milk because they are lactose intolerant and have trouble digesting dairy products. Here are some strategies you can try if you’re concerned that your cat isn’t drinking enough water.

It probably doesn’t sound very tasty to drink from a glass of water that has been lying around on the floor for a few days. Your cat will value having a clean, new bowl every day since they probably feel the same way.

Cats prefer drinking in different locations. Provide them with a wide range of options so that they can always find a bowl of water.

Additionally, cats might prefer a particular kind of bowl. Use a ceramic or glass bowl instead of a plastic or metal one as these materials can contaminate the water. Wide, shallow bowls are typically preferred by cats because they allow them to monitor their environment while drinking and prevent their whiskers from contacting the bowl’s sides. Permit the cat to sit behind the water bowl so they can see everything around them.

You may have noticed cats attempting to drink straight from the faucet because they are drawn to the movement and freshness of flowing water! Pet water fountains are widely available for purchase online or at your local pet store.

Cats dislike drinking close to their litter tray, just as you wouldn’t want to drink next to your toilet. This is a holdover from their African wildcat ancestors, who avoided contaminating their water source by using a toilet far from it. Keep the two in separate rooms if possible.

Additionally, cats dislike drinking close to their eating areas. This is also a holdover from their African wildcat ancestors, since the water source may become contaminated by their prey’s gut contents. Place their food and water bowls in separate locations.

Because canned food includes roughly 70–80% water, it will enable your cat to obtain a healthy amount of their daily water needs just from eating. They’ll require a lot more water if their diet consists primarily of dry cat biscuits. If you decide to change your cat’s diet, be sure to do so gradually to lessen the likelihood of loose stools.

Your cat will find the water more appealing if you add a few drops of chicken broth or tuna juice (from tuna packed in water, not oil). Just watch out that there isn’t too much salt in the flavoring—that could be bad for your cat.

You are in luck if your cat enjoys and consumes wet food. Wet food is an excellent way for cats to get water. Try adding a tiny bit more water to the food if your cat is currently eating wet food but still needs to drink more water. If your cat only eats dry food now, ask your veterinarian about which wet food best suits their nutritional needs. If your cat refuses to eat the food with water added, do not try to force it as the cat may become intolerant to that food or worse, go on a hunger strike! You could attempt introducing wet food to their diet gradually. It’s crucial to experiment with various wet food flavors and textures because cats can be finicky eaters. Certain cats are limited to eating only paté, while others will only consume gravy-or loaf-like texture chunks. The most crucial guideline is to not try to force your cat to eat wet food if they don’t like it; instead, think about other options like the ones below.

If cats see water next to their food, they might be more inclined to drink it while they eat. Many cats, especially those who only eat dry food, will alternate between eating and drinking. For some cats, using a timed feeder with kibble and a bowl of water next to it is a successful additional method. Given that the water is available, the cat may be more inclined to drink it while they wait for food.

Some cats may be more likely to drink the water if the bowl is filled to the brim. Cats’ whiskers are extremely sensitive to touch, and some of them get uncomfortable if they come into contact with the bowl’s edge.

Arrange several water bowls in different parts of your home. In this manner, your cat will always have easy access to water.

Due to their history as desert animals, cats did not require as much water consumption as dogs did because they obtained the majority of their moisture from their prey. However, a cat’s increased water intake can help with a number of medical conditions. Kidney disease and bladder stones or crystals are two common examples. When cats with kidney disease are unable to concentrate their urine, they urinate more frequently than they normally would. If they do not drink enough water to make up for this increased urination, this can result in dehydration. Cats who suffer from conditions affecting their bladders and urinary tract may experience inflammation, irritation, and occasionally even bladder stones. By cleaning out the kidneys, bladder, and rest of the urinary tract, drinking more water can occasionally help with a variety of urinary conditions. Regretfully, this can be challenging, and encouraging cats to drink more water can sometimes seem unachievable. For this reason, we’ve included some of our best tips and techniques for encouraging cats who need it to drink more water.

Why do cats stop drinking water?

While many people place their cat’s water bowl next to their food bowl, cats prefer to use separate areas for eating, drinking, and using the restroom. Because domestic cats are closely related to African wildcats, their reluctance to contaminate their water with prey waste is linked to their evolutionary history.

Additionally, cats enjoy wide ceramic or plastic bowls (though the taste of plastic can be ruined in the heat), and they frequently choose running water.

Please contact your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, particularly if it indicates that they are not feeling well. This could indicate a medical issue.


Why does my cat barely drink water?

If you notice that your cat isn’t drinking any water then it’s time to look into why. There may be an underlying health condition, the water may not be fresh enough or the location of the bowl could all be potential reasons why your cat isn’t drinking enough.

How often should a cat drink water?

So if your cat weighs 4 kg, for example, then she should drink between 200 ml and 280 ml per day. Your cat will not drink this amount all at once. She prefers lots of small portions. So a cat drinks ten to twelve times per day on average.