how to make a cat pee

So if your cat won’t urinate, then you can gently rub your cat’s inner thigh as well as the lower belly. This can help the cat to relax. Once you notice your cat getting more comfortable, add a little pressure while rubbing. This is another way of expressing your cat.

How to feel a cat’s bladder

Put your dominant hand under the cat’s belly, slightly closer to the back than directly below the ribs, and squeeze. To gently hold and/or lift the cat, place your other hand along its side across from you. Once the feline has positioned itself, feel its abdomen, which should be slightly elevated above the leg sockets. The colon and bladder are located beneath the spine. The bladder has a distinct shape and feel. It feels smooth and self-contained, much like a water balloon. You do not have to squeeze immediately. Take a moment to gently rub your fingers around your bladder. Become familiar with its size and shape.

How to Make a Cat Pee

Unfortunately, cats generally don’t pee on command. They frequently hold their pee for extended periods of time and prefer to use the restroom alone. A tiny, clean container held between their legs to catch the urine stream works well for certain pet owners who follow their cats to the litterbox. Given that many litterboxes are shaped in a way that makes it difficult to avoid disturbing the cat and that outdoor cats prefer to urinate in the yard, it might be simpler to deal with indoor cats that urinate outside of them. Following the cat to the restroom, waiting patiently for him to urinate, and then catching the urine as he does so may work fairly well if the cat has a favorite bathroom rug that he likes to urinate on. Considering how low to the ground cats are, it might be simpler to use a shallow container so as not to wake the cat while he is urinating.

Using a spotlessly clean litterbox devoid of any litter is an additional choice. Put the box in the usual litterbox spot and wait. Tearing a few small strips of clean paper or using a very small amount of clean litter can work wonders if the cat refuses to urinate in an empty litterbox. Nonabsorbent cat litter could also be used in some situations. Consult the veterinarian first to make sure this is acceptable; you don’t want to go through all of this with your cat and yourself if the sample only needs to be cleaned to that level.

Similar to humans, a cat’s bladder becomes full of pee as he drinks water throughout the day. The urge to urinate indicates that the cat’s bladder is full and it is time to go potty. Give your cat regular amounts of water throughout the day to give him plenty of time to accumulate urine, and keep a close eye out for any indications that he needs to go (e g. heading for the litterbox). You might have to wait a few hours before your cat needs to go again if you can’t catch him urinating in time.

If everything else fails, see if you can leave your cat with your veterinarian so they can collect pee for the day. Since they typically have a little more training in these areas, the staff might succeed more quickly. If you are successful in gathering a sufficient amount of urine (well done!), wash your hands, place the urine container in the refrigerator rather than the freezer, and attempt to deliver it to your veterinarian as soon as possible. If you are heading straight to the vet, you don’t need to keep the pee cold, but if you can’t get there right away, keeping it cool will help the urine stay stable.

About cat bladder expression

A functioning bladder should be able to expand and release, fill and empty. Urine is squeezed out of the bladder through the urethra and out of the body through the urethral opening when a cat expresses their bladder with the help of an expresser’s hand. It is impossible to completely avoid mechanical irritation, and it gets worse the longer the bladder needs to be expressed. The idea is to empty the bladder as much as possible each time while being as gentle as possible to prevent harming the walls of the bladder.

A cat can be trained to express its bladder in two steps:

  • Learning how to physically extract pee from the bladder is the first step. The environment, the cat’s posture, your handling technique, the spot you put your hand, and the way you move it to encourage the bladder to release and express pee are all important considerations.
  • The second component involves mastering the “art” of bladder expression, which entails knowing how to manage your stress levels in relation to your cat, how to determine when the bladder is sufficiently empty, and how to recognize problems. Like any skill, your proficiency increases with practice.

We recommend that you always wear disposable gloves when expressing. In addition, please consult your veterinarian about the necessity of personal protective equipment (PPE) if you are working with a cat that has the potential to bite or scratch you. Also, be sure to keep your nails short. This will greatly improve the cat’s comfort level and simplify the process for you.

It’s crucial to keep your composure when releasing your cat’s bladder. You can never overestimate the impact your mood has on the cat. Of course, when you start learning, you might be nervous. Try your best to unwind and give the cat reassurance and comfort. It will be simpler for you and your cat to stay composed throughout the process the more you two collaborate. Additionally, a calm cat also has a relaxed bladder, which is much easier to empty than one that is tense.

You and your cat will both need to get used to this procedure. Their experience with you will differ even if other people have been expressing the cat for years. The cat will come to recognize you as the one who relieves their bladder. The cat may never enjoy it, but the process will go much more smoothly if you can picture yourself working with each other rather than against it. Even though your cat doesn’t seem to agree, think of it as teamwork. This is crucial since the cat will pick up on your attitude and adopt it as well.

It’s natural to worry about hurting the cat. See your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about how to tell when your cat is in pain or becoming overly stressed. As a general rule, if you’re worried, stop, take a break, and then resume. You will eventually be able to tell when your cat is comfortable and when you should stop, with the help of your veterinarian.

Your cat’s and your own physical needs and preferences will determine where you decide to let your cat relieve themselves. For example, you should choose a spot where you can stand if bending over hurts or is difficult for you.

You can express:

  • onto a floor-based towel, litter box, or pee pad
  • onto a towel or pee pad, or from a counter into a sink
  • Into a toilet

To find a place that works for the two of you, some trial and error may be required. Remember that pee will probably get lost and wind up somewhere you don’t want it to, like on nearby objects or you Over time, this will decrease, but even the most seasoned expressers still have “accidents.” This is something to consider when choosing the location.

Ensure that the area you select is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized following each session. To prevent damage, if you choose to use a sink, make sure you always completely rinse the drainpipe with clear water.


How can I help my cat urinate?

Position your fingers on one side of the bladder and your thumb on the other side. Use firm, even pressure to squeeze the bladder. As the bladder gets smaller as urine is released, you will need to reposition your fingers and thumb to keep pressure on it.

What can I give my cat so he can pee?

Feed your cat canned food, which has more water in it, or add tuna juice to your cat’s food. Encourage your cat to drink more water. You can do this by using water fountains, running water from faucets, and providing additional bowls of fresh water throughout the house.

How long can a cat go without urinating?

An adult cat in good health may usually go for 24 to 48 hours without urinating. But this can change based on things like stress levels, hydration, and food.