what do sand cats eat

Sand cats eat primarily small rodents, occasionally hares, birds, spiders, insects and reptiles.


Since sand cats are uncommon and extremely shy, little is known about how they mate. These cats may be polygynous if they live alone outside of the breeding season. Their ability to hear appears to be crucial for communication during the mating season, which occurs in April in Turkmenistan, September–October in Pakistan, and January–April in the Sahara. Females give birth to 2-4 kittens after a gestation period of 59–63 days; in certain regions, however, they may give birth to two litters in a single year. Kittens grow quickly; at five months old, they are almost fully grown. When they are six to eight months old and eating solid food, they become totally independent. They are reproductively mature at 9-14 months old.

Human habitat destruction and declining prey populations are the main threats facing this species. They are also easily hunted for sport because they are not hostile and enjoy basking in the sun on rocks during the day. The introduction of domestic and feral cats and dogs poses a threat as well, as they may feed on the Sand cat, outcompete it, or spread diseases to it.

The IUCN Red List indicates that there are comparatively few records of the Sand cat, and that it is frequently considered a rare species. A conservative estimate of the Sand cat population size is 27,264 mature individuals. On the list of threatened species, it is categorized as Near Threatened (NT).

What Do They Eat?

Rodents and other smaller mammals make up the majority of these carnivorous mammals’ diet. Additionally, sand cats hunt and consume small birds like desert larks and greater hoopoe larks. They have been observed to consume a variety of insects and invertebrates in addition to a range of desert reptiles, such as fringe-toed lizards, desert monitors, short-fingered geckos, horned vipers, and sand vipers. As they live in the deserts permanently, they get all the moisture they need from their prey. But, they drink whenever water is available.

Find out about the behavioral patterns of these animals:

  • Other than during the mating seasons, they are solitary creatures that live alone.
  • Contrary to most other felids, sand cats do not deposit their waste in open areas.
  • Being a territorial species, they mark their territories with claw marks and urine spraying.
  • The cats use the abandoned fox and porcupine burrows or dig their own in the sand. Sometimes, they may even inhabit rodent burrows after enlarging them.
  • These cats are active at night, just like the majority of other feline species.
  • They spend the entire day in the sun in the winter and turn completely nocturnal in the summer.
  • They follow the same eating and hunting patterns as other wild cats. They have been observed to bury their prey’s remains in the sand and then eat it.

These cats’ vocalizations resemble those of the domestic cat species. In addition, Sand Cats will sometimes bark loudly and high in pitch, primarily to entice potential mates prior to the mating season. Hearing is also important for intraspecific communication. They produce the distinctive short, raspy barks that are connected to mating behavior.

It is known that a variety of predatory birds and reptiles, including poisonous snakes, prey on these cats. Other carnivorous mammals, such as jackals and wild dogs, are also predators.

Their unique adaptations enable them to endure in their natural environment:

  • Over their foot pads, a fur cushion is formed by long hairs that grow from in between their toes. It aids in providing insulation for the feet when the animal walks on hot sand.
  • These mammals’ large ear canals improve their sense of hearing, enabling them to identify even subterranean prey.
  • It is thought that in desert environments, their low set ears shield their inner ears from wind-blown sand. This adaptive feature is also useful for detecting subterranean preys.
  • Their foot pads are covered in fur, and their small, blunt claws make it difficult to follow their tracks.
  • Their strong paws enable them to dig quickly in order to capture prey that is underground.
  • They can evade being preyed upon because of their sand-colored fur, which often makes them difficult to spot in their desert habitat.

The weather in their range is one of the many variables that determine when the mating season begins. Populations in the regions of the Sahara Desert mate between January and April. For example, Turkmenistan’s Sand Cats mate in April, while Pakistani Sand Cats from different areas mate in the fall, from September through October.

At the age of 14 months, both male and female cats reach reproductive maturity. Other than the fact that they call to attract mates, not much is known about their mating behavior and rituals. The female excavates a burrow or discovers one that has been abandoned, big enough to give birth to two or four kittens. In this species, a litter can contain one to eight babies, although two to four are the most typical. They can have a gestation period of between 59 and 66 days. Sand cats typically have one litter per year, but in some areas, they may have two.

After about 14 days of life, the kittens’ eyes open, but they are born blind and defenseless. From birth, they have gained about 12 pounds of weight every day, and by the 20th or 21st day, they are walking. After five weeks, sand kittens start eating solid food, and between three and six months of age, they start to become somewhat independent.

Although it is unknown how long they will live in the wild, they have been known to live up to thirteen years in captivity. The cats’ juvenile mortality rate in their wild habitat is approximately 2041 percent because of the harsh conditions and numerous enemies.

The aggressive nature of sand cats makes them difficult to domesticate, so they do not make good pets. Furthermore, providing for them is extremely difficult, and keeping wild animals requires extensive training in animal care. To begin with, one should confirm that owning sand cats as pets is permitted by local and state laws.

The cats should have a spacious living space with rock and sand to mimic their natural habitat. They should be fed foods like small animals and white meat while they are in captivity. Since they’re not used to drinking a lot of water, make sure you only give them what’s necessary. Due to the fact that their bodies are acclimated to dry, warm climates, excessive water consumption can cause certain health issues. They are quite prone to serious respiratory infections in captivity. Therefore, it is essential to keep them in dry enclosures with consistent humidity and temperature.

Find out some fun facts about them:

  • They can go for extended periods of time without drinking, just like the majority of other desert animals.
  • Male Sand Cats are known to cover long distances—up to three miles. 1 miles to 6. two miles (5–10 km) in a single night
  • In captivity, respiratory illnesses such as upper respiratory tract infections are the predominant cause of death for these animals.

The IUCN has categorized them as “Near Threatened.” Several factors, including habitat loss, overhunting, and climate change, are major threats to their survival. Several hunting bans in Iran, Algeria, Israel, Mauritania, Kazakhstan, Niger, Tunisia, and Pakistan safeguard their populations. Nevertheless, in Egypt, Morocco, Mali, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, there is no legal protection. Since this species is crucial to the ecosystem of the desert, many wild life rescue groups are taking the required steps to keep it from going extinct.

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

what do sand cats eat

Photos withSand Cat

View 16 more photos of Sand Cat

The Arabian Peninsula, central and southwest Asia, and northern Africa are home to the sand cat. It grows in dry, stony, and sandy deserts, especially where there is little vegetation.

Sand cats are solitary except during the mating season. They use their claws and scent markings on nearby objects to communicate. Sand cats are good diggers who dig shallow burrows to escape the desert heat during the day. They are not good climbers or jumpers. Occasionally, they will lie on their backs outside of their burrows to expel heat from within. They don’t share their burrows with other people at the same time. Typically, sand cats spend the day sleeping in underground dens and hunt at night. When it gets dark they come out to hunt. On occasion, they will cover over 6 miles or roughly 10 km in a single night. These cats use vocalizations similar to domestic cats to communicate, but they also make loud, high-pitched barking noises, especially when they’re trying to find a partner. Group name.

As carnivores, sand cats consume insects, birds, hares, rodents, and even reptiles. They use the moisture in their food to help them survive on very little or no additional water.


Can sand cats be kept as pets?

As true wild cats, they are not adapted for living alongside humans. Occasionally people do attempt to keep them as pets; however, their respiratory tracts are specialized for extremely dry environments and are prone to illnesses (like sinus infections) outside of the deserts where they naturally live.

Do sand cats drink blood?

The cats are carnivores and mainly hunt during the night. Sand cats are lethal killers and are even known to feed on reptiles such as snakes. They don’t drink water and rely on the blood of their prey for fluid, says Breton.

What are the predators of the sand cats?

Enemies include venomous snakes, jackals and large owls. In the Sahara they are known as ‘the cat that digs holes. ‘ Among Saharan nomads, Sand Cats have a reputation for being snake hunters, particularly of horned and sand vipers, which they stun with rapid blows to the head before dispatching with a neck bite.

What do sand cats do at night?

Sand cats are nocturnal, which helps them avoid exhaustion from the extreme heat of the desert in the daytime. They dig shallow burrows in sand dunes or in the shade of shrubs to sleep in or lie on their backs while sleeping in the open. Sand cats are predators that hunt for small prey mostly at night.