what does it mean when a cat’s ears are warm

While a normal human’s body temperature hovers around 98.6°, a normal temperature for cats is higher, between 101° and 102.5°. The takeaway here is that a cat’s ears should feel just a bit warm. If your cat is acting normal otherwise, then there shouldn’t be any need to worry.

1. No Particular Reason

It is noteworthy to note that the average body temperature of a cat is marginally higher than that of a human. While a normal humans body temperature hovers around 98. 6°, although cats typically have temperatures between 101° and 102°. 5°.

The lesson here is that a cat’s ears ought to feel slightly warm. There shouldn’t be any reason for concern if your cat is acting normally in any other situation.

It’s not a coincidence if you’ve noticed that your cat’s ears get warmer as the temperature rises. In fact, its just your cat regulating their body temperature. Blood flow to the ears, paws, and nose increases to help prevent overheating by facilitating easier release of excess heat.

However, extreme heat is still very dangerous to cats. Make sure your cat is kept cool by giving them plenty of water, brushing them every day, and giving them a spot in the shade.

Cats, just like humans, can suffer from allergies. Allergies are actually among the most prevalent illnesses in cats. Seasonal irritants such as pollen and grass, insects, and even food can cause allergies.

Allergies can cause one or more of the following symptoms: watery eyes, excessive licking, bloating, diarrhea, sneezing, wheezing, and, yes, hot ears. Bring your cat to our South Charlotte office for an allergy test if you think they might have allergies. Our staff can conduct tests to identify the reason behind your cat’s allergic reaction and offer practical remedies.

Reasons for Hot Cat Ears

It’s true, a cat’s natural body temperature is several degrees hotter than a human’s, at about 101.0˚ to 102.5˚ Fahrenheit. This warmer body temperature could help explain why cats obsessively lounge in sunspots or in your clean, warm laundry. So, if your cat isn’t exhibiting other symptoms, it’s perfectly normal that a cat’s ears may feel warm or hot to a cooler, human touch.

2. Your Cat Is Regulating Her Body Temperature

A cat’s ears are for more than just listening—and for making airplane ears. They also help to regulate body temperature. Your cat’s ears are full of tiny veins that constrict in cold environments (to retain heat) or expand in hot environments (to release heat), so if your cat has been lounging in the sun for the afternoon, chances are she could be letting off body heat through her ears. Boop her little nose, and you might notice it’s warm too!

Regarding cold ears, your cat is most likely simply preserving body heat during the winter, so don’t be concerned if they seem colder. Give your cat a warm blanket or a heated cat bed if you believe she may be too cold. Recall that humans are more suited to withstand lower temperatures than your cat, who used to live in the desert.

what does it mean when a cats ears are warm


Why is my cats ears hot?

Your Cat Is Regulating Her Body Temperature Your cat’s ears are full of tiny veins that constrict in cold environments (to retain heat) or expand in hot environments (to release heat), so if your cat has been lounging in the sun for the afternoon, chances are she could be letting off body heat through her ears.

Should my cat’s head feel warm?

Cats run hotter than humans. Their normal body temperature is higher than ours, so they will always feel warm. Why the head is warmer is because of the concentration of blood vessels. Exactly as you thought, brain activity is related to the warm head.

Should I be worried if my cat’s ears are cold?

It is more likely that everything is okay, and instead, they feel cold due to the indoor or outdoor temperatures. If the temperature is high, though, it can be a sign that the body is fighting a virus or bacteria. It is best to take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. Rarely, cold ears are a sign of organ failure.