when the cats are away

Other Idioms and Phrases with When the cat’s away, the mice will play. Without supervision, people will do as they please, especially in disregarding or breaking rules. For example, As soon as their parents left, the children invited all their friends over—when the cat’s away, you know.

This phrase is frequently used to discuss relationships between parents and children, coworkers and managers, and even individuals in committed partnerships.

Let’s imagine a classroom filled with young children. The instructor needs to step out of the room for a short while. At first, everyone is well-behaved. However, the class becomes more disruptive the longer the teacher is absent. It starts out slowly. Someone throws a piece of paper. A couple of students get up and walk around. Others start laughing loudly. A yell is heard, and all of the students start acting in ways they would never act out in front of the teacher.

Consequently, when you play cat and mouse with someone, you are engaging in a power struggle. You, the person with the power, are the cat. Perhaps you act as though you’re giving someone something they want, only to take it away later. You toy with them. We often call a situation like this a cat-and-mouse game. A child might, for instance, offer her younger brother something sweet and then take it away when he reaches for it.

This phrase refers to the fact that misbehavior can occur when no one is around to witness it. Thus, the students are the mice and the teacher is the cat.

The internet has taught us many things. One crucial thing to remember is that cats are humorous, odd, and frequently unpredictable creatures. Cats are becoming more and more common as domestic pets in American homes thanks to their eccentric personalities.

When I returned to the classroom after a five-minute break, it was in disarray. Ugh, when the cats away the mice will play.

The phrase “when / while the cats away the mice will play” refers to how people will act inappropriately or in accordance with their preferences when a manager or other authority figure is not around.

— When I returned from using the restroom, the children I was watching in the playroom were gone. proving that while the cats away the mice will play.

While the cats are away, the mice will play. Take a look at the image and attempt to guess what the idiom means.

— The person who said, “The mice will play while the cats are away” undoubtedly had my kids in mind.


What’s the saying when the cat’s away?

But you know what we say: When the cat’s away, the mice will play! This expression means that people sometimes misbehave when no one is there to watch them.

Who are the original members of when the cat’s away?

New Zealand band formed by five women singers in 1986 and performing until 1991. Members were Kim Willoughby, Annie Crummer, Dianne Swann, Margaret Urlich, and Debbie Harwood. After a break from 1991 the band returned in 2001 to tour, without Dianne Swann in the line-up, and with Sharon O’Neill as guest.

What is the meaning of while the cat is away the mice will play?

said to mean that people do what they want, or misbehave when their boss or another person in authority is away. While the bosses are out of the room, the workers watch the game – a case of while the cat’s away the mice will play. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary.

Why the cat is away?

Your Cat Is Being Territorial If there aren’t many other cats living nearby, your cat may start to expand their territory. So while they may not be specifically running away from home, if they create a larger territory they may go missing for longer than you expect — before coming home again!