why do cats love boxes and bags

And cats like boxes because they help to reduce stress and offer a safe zone where your cat can observe and not be seen. This is ideal for cats as their reaction to stressful situations is often to run and hide. Cats don’t have in-built conflict resolution strategies, so they much prefer to hide from their problems.

4. Scratching and Chewing

Cats are known scratchers; they’ll often sharpen their claws on your couch, curtains, or carpet. Scratching boxes are a great place for them to do this. Cats adore the sensation of their tiny claws digging into the cardboard. Because their paws have scent pads, cats leave their scents on objects they scratch. It follows that if they have a small hiding spot of their own, they should mark the area as their own by leaving their scent there.

Some cats are chewers as well. They are said to get pleasure from chewing on and destroying boxes because it satisfies their innate desire to kill and devour their prey. Ewww….

1. Boxes Provide Safety and Security for Cats

why do cats love boxes and bags

Probably the main reason cats find boxes so appealing is safety and security. Cats often hide or seek out enclosed spaces when they are stressed or afraid. It’s instinctual. Nothing can approach her from the side or behind while she’s enclosed in a box. She has a direct field of vision to anything approaching. Cats use boxes as a coping mechanism because they are cozy and help them feel less anxious.

Even Sphynx cats without fur, who are noted for regulating their body temperature differently, appreciate the safety of boxes. For a cat, adjusting to a new environment can be quite stressful; a hiding box helps to ease the transition. Every level of the Cat Condos at Holiday Barn Pet Resorts offers the comfort and security that felines seek, so there are lots of hiding places for our guests’ cats. The condos are designed like multi-level cubicles. Cats leap from one cubicle to the next; each level is a private space that is enclosed on three sides.

The University of Utrecht conducted a study in a Dutch animal shelter wherein 19 recently adopted cats were split into two groups. “Hiding boxes” were provided to one of the two groups during the period of acclimatization and socialization. When stress markers were applied to the two groups of cats, it was discovered that the cats who received hiding boxes displayed noticeably less stress than the group that did not receive boxes. They adapted to their new environment more quickly. Having a box to hide in provided these scared and anxious shelter cats with security and comfort. Poor little things….

What other factors might cause a cat to be drawn to a box?

The Dangers of Bags

Be aware that chewing plastic bags can pose a health risk to your cat.

I advise throwing away all of your plastic bags right away and keeping them somewhere your cat cannot get to in order to stop chewing.

Chewing plastic bags could also cause dental health issues. It’s crucial to take your cat to the vet once a year to have their dental health examined.

Keep in mind that plastic bags, particularly those from dry cleaners, are not safe for your cat to play with.

However, there are many other types of bags that are safe for your cat to play with. As the Humane Society states, don’t forget to take the handles off of any bag before giving it to your kitty because they risk getting stuck inside them and choking.


Why are cats attracted to bags?

Plastic bags appeal to your cat’s senses for a variety of reasons: the crinkle of the plastic, the smell of the food that was contained in it wafting through the air, the smooth surface under her paws. It’s a full sensory experience for your little pal.

Why do cats like bags and boxes so much?

You’ve probably wondered from time to time, “Just why do cats like boxes so much?” Cats like boxes because they feel safe, they provide good hunting hideouts, they keep them warm, and boxes are new and mysterious additions to your home.

Why do cats like to lay on paper and plastic bags?

One of the things many cats enjoy is a nice, warm spot to curl up and relax or sleep. A plastic bag is attractive because of this innate need. The plastic envelops them and provides a certain level of warmth. However, never leave your cat unsupervised, so they don’t get stuck inside the bag.

Why does my cat love my bags?

These tastes and textures may not appeal to us, but cats have a superior sense of smell. They may be drawn to the tastes and textures imbued within the plastic. Shopping bags may be particularly appealing if they have taken on some of the food odors when transporting our groceries—especially meat or fish.