why does my cat have eye discharge

Conjunctivitis in Cats

It can result from bacterial or viral infections, but irritants like dust, smoke, or certain types of cat litter can also trigger it. Symptoms may include red, swollen eyes, blinking a lot, squinting, and, of course, eye discharge.

Are the tissues around their eyes inflamed and red?

There’s a good chance they have conjunctivitis if you notice this in one or both eyes along with a watery discharge. You may know it by its nickname, pinkeye.

Its the most common eye problem for cats. Dust, allergies, or infections can trigger it. Due to its contagious nature, pinkeye affects most cats at some point in their lives. Although they can contract it at any age, young animals are typically affected.

Feline herpes virus also causes pinkeye. Although a vaccination cannot prevent feline herpes, it can lessen its symptoms It’s plausible that they acquired it during their kittenhood. If they have the virus, they are infected for life. But the vaccine can reduce their symptoms.

Easing their stress can prevent flare-ups. If they are experiencing an outbreak of pinkeye caused by herpes, your veterinarian will recommend taking an antiviral medication along with antibiotics.

Pinkeye often clears up without treatment. See a veterinarian if your cat appears to be in pain and you notice discharge. They will ensure that the symptoms aren’t being caused by a more serious issue.

When to See a Vet

Your cat’s eyes are as delicate as they are beautiful. Small problems can quickly turn into serious conditions. Speak with your veterinarian as soon as possible if your cat is squinting or if the symptoms of eye discharge don’t go away in a day.

Don’t use any medications you may have had for a prior eye condition on your cat’s eyes. Different eye conditions require different medications, and if you use the incorrect one, you could end up seriously hurting yourself.

Is their breed prone to tearing?

Some breeds have short faces and rounded skulls. This causes lots of tears and other eye problems.

Tears streaming down their faces cause skin irritation or inflammation and discolor their hair.

Many products are available to treat these stains, but some of them contain ingredients that have not received FDA approval. Ask your vet what’s safe to use.


When should I worry about cat’s eye discharge?

If you’ve noticed excessive eye-watering, frequent blinking or squinting, any brown, green, or yellow discharge coming from their eyes, or if you notice your cat constantly pawing at their eyes or rubbing them on furniture, there’s likely something wrong.

What does gunk in a cats eye mean?

Eye Discharge Causes A few common reasons for cat eye discharge include: Feline upper respiratory infections. A frequent cause of eye discharge in cats, these can be caused by viruses such as feline calicivirus, a contagious respiratory disease; pneumonitis or rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus); bacteria; and protozoa.

Why does my cat have boogers in her eye?

Eye boogers are the remains of mucus and debris from the tear film, and a small amount is considered normal in healthy cats. If the amount seems excessive, or your cat is showing any signs of ocular irritation, you should always get them checked by their veterinarian.