are almonds harmful to cats

Sweet almonds are non-toxic to cats, so if your cat eats one or two, they’re unlikely to cause any harm. However, because they are hard for your cat’s digestive tract to break down, if they eat too many, it could cause them to have an upset stomach. Bitter almonds, on the other hand, are highly toxic.

My cat ate some almonds; what should I do?

If you enjoy almonds and frequently snack on them, you may be unsure of what to do in the event that your cat consumes some almonds. It can be much simpler to handle a possible emergency if you have a plan.

You shouldn’t worry if your cat consumed only a small amount of almonds. All you need to do is watch your cat for any indications of choking, constipation, or digestive problems. Take your cat to the veterinarian if vomiting or diarrhea don’t go away.

You must watch out for the signs of sodium ion toxicosis and cyanide poisoning if your cat consumes a lot of almonds.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include:

If your cat does consume a lot of almonds, you should definitely talk to the veterinarian about it. Policyholders of a Spot pet insurance plan have access to VetAccessTM, a round-the-clock pet telehealth service that can offer you advice on what to do next.

Are bitter almonds safe snacks for cats?

Because bitter almonds contain a much higher amount of cyanide, they aren’t really edible. While consuming one wouldn’t kill us, consuming ten or more could be fatal. Bitter almonds are banned in many locations. That’s a no for people and a no for cats.

Internet Myths and Rumors: Pet Toxin Edition

are almonds harmful to cats

Pet parents frequently call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) with the opening line, “I read on the Internet.” While the Internet is a fantastic resource for information, it can also be a great place to find false information. The APCC is here to dispel some of the more widespread Internet myths and rumors they get calls about, so that pet parents can be sure they have the whole story.

are almonds harmful to cats

MYTH: “Almonds are toxic to my pet. TRUTH: There is usually some truth to rumors, and this one is no exception. Pets can safely consume sweet almonds that are sold for human consumption in the United States. But because they’re not a common food item for pets, consuming them could result in digestive problems like upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly pancreatitis. Conversely, bitter almonds are poisonous because they contain a cyanide compound. Typically, bitter almonds are not sold in the U. S. , but some natural food stores might carry them; if so, they should be clearly labeled as bitter.

are almonds harmful to cats

MYTH: “Hostas cause bloat. “FACT: Saponins, which are used to make soap, are found in Hosta plants. According to some, if a pet consumes hosta plants, the plants will cause soap bubbles in the animal’s stomach, which will cause bloat. In actuality, hosta plants won’t produce soap or soap bubbles in your pet’s stomach, even though they may cause upset stomachs.

are almonds harmful to cats

MYTH: “Pistachios are toxic to my pet. TRUTH: Pistachios, like sweet almonds, are not particularly toxic to animals. We’re not sure why nuts receive such a bad rap. That being said, if a pet consumes a lot of pistachios, it may cause upset stomach and possibly pancreatitis; additionally, if the nut is consumed with its shell on, it may cause intestinal blockage.

are almonds harmful to cats

Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible or the APCC at (888) 426-4435 if you believe your pet has ingested something potentially toxic.


What happens if my cat eats almonds?

Almonds are a healthy snack for you and your cat, but they should be consumed in moderation. If your cat eats too many almonds, it might cause digestive issues. Excess consumption could lead to stomach upset or vomiting. Cats should not eat more than 2 ounces (60 grams) of almonds daily as a snack or treat.

What nuts are toxic to cats?

Nuts. Macadamia nuts are toxic to pets, and like grapes, the exact mechanism of toxicity is unknown. Other types of nuts, including almonds, pecans, and walnuts, are rich in oils and fats that can cause digestive upset and potentially even pancreatitis in cats.

Can cats lick almond?

Cats are safest when they only eat foods intended for feline consumption. Almonds are a healthy and practical snack for humans, but these nuts are not a food to share with your feline companions. Your kitty may not get sick immediately from eating almonds, but they can still pose a significant risk to her health.

Are almonds toxic to pets?

Almonds are not considered a safe food for dogs. Although almonds aren’t actually toxic to dogs, like macadamias and other nut varieties, they do pose a number of risks to your dog’s health, says American Kennel Club (AKC).