are daisies poisonous to cats

Despite their commonality, however, daisies can be quite toxic to a variety of animals, including cats. The side effects of consuming daisies can, in some cases, prove extremely dangerous. Protect yourself and your pet.

Are Daisies Safe for Cats?

Daisies are a chrysanthemum species, and their primary toxins of lactones, pyrethrins, and sesquiterpene are found throughout the plant. Lactones and pyrethrins affect a cats nervous system, and sesquiterpene causes skin irritation and gastrointestinal issues.

Lauren Cline, DVM, of Queen City Animal Hospital in Charlotte, N.C., says one or two blossoms probably wont be a big deal because daisies arent as toxic to cats as some other flowers. But “these flowers can still trigger gastrointestinal issues, like vomiting, diarrhea, and hypersalivation,” she adds. Hypersalivation, or excessive drooling, is an automatic reaction cats have to rid themselves of something that tastes bad. Signs like these appear quickly—usually within 30 minutes or so.

If you notice more severe poisoning symptoms, such as a lack of coordination or bloody stool, its possible your cat ate too many daisies. If you know your cat munched on these blooms, take them to the veterinarian right away.

Another reason you shouldnt let your cat eat daisies: Felines are obligate carnivores, which means they get all the nutrients they require from animal protein. Thus, they dont need any plant matter for sustenance at all.

The importance of diet

Because their stomachs are sensitive, cats and dogs need a balance of nutrients to grow and stay healthy. You can help them with this by feeding them high-quality food, keeping them away from table scraps, and—most importantly—keeping an eye on what they eat both inside and outside the home when they don’t think anyone is looking. Poisonous plant ingestion can cause life-threatening consequences that necessitate constant attention and prompt action, in addition to reactions that disturb diet, such as loss of appetite or dehydration. The best way to prevent your pet from eating something poisonous is to be selective about what you plant in your garden and to watch out for your dog when taking walks in areas where toxic plants may be growing in abundance. Unfortunately, we are unable to explain to our pets why it is okay for them to eat some plants but not others.

Treatment for Daisy Poisoning in Cats

Take a few blossoms with you so the clinician can identify the plant and administer the appropriate treatment. It can be difficult to determine how many flowers your cat has eaten unless you see the evidence.

Typically, your veterinarian will begin with a general physical examination to verify that all organs are functioning normally and to check vital signs. After that, fluid therapy is given to your cat to help flush out the toxins and rehydrate them, particularly if they had a lot of vomiting and diarrhea. Your veterinarian may also give them medication to help prevent acid reflux from damaging the stomach lining, depending on how severe their symptoms are.

A mild case of daisy poisoning usually clears up in a few days. Your kitty might be lethargic for a while and still have digestive issues. The vet will likely recommend a bland diet of unseasoned boiled chicken or turkey with a tiny portion of white rice until your furball starts acting like their old self.


Which daisies are toxic to cats?

The English daisy, also known as the true daisy or Bellis perennis, is potentially poisonous to cats. So, if you catch your cat nibbling on this flower, you should keep an eye on them.

Are white daisies poisonous?

The Answer Is: Daisies Daisies, which are considered Chrysanthemums, are toxic to childrens and can cause a range of symptoms including skin rashes and blistering.

What flower are poisonous to cats?

Which flowers are toxic to cats? Various flower varieties are hazardous to your cat. Common blooms like peonies, daffodils and tulips can be harmful if they eat them, and lilies should always be avoided.

Are Shasta daisies toxic to dogs and cats?

Shasta daisy is mildly toxic and should not be consumed by humans or animals. According to the ASPCA, when cats or dogs digest daisies, they may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and incoordination. Consider creating a garden with pet-friendly plants to keep them safe.