are ragdoll cats allergy free

Ragdoll cats are not fully hypoallergenic, say veterinarians, but they may be a good cat breed for those with cat allergies. “Ragdolls are known to produce fewer allergenic proteins, which make them a better choice for some allergy sufferers,” says Dr. Kong.

Are Ragdoll cats good for allergies?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Although some breeders claim that their Ragdoll cats are hypoallergenic, allergies can occur in any cat.

Ragdolls still produce the Fel d 1 protein, which causes allergies in humans, despite their reduced shedding. Even though their hair may shield you from it more, you could still come into contact with it through their saliva.

Although its exact function is unknown, this protein causes the following symptoms in people who are prone to allergies:

  • Breathing problems
  • Red patches on the skin
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Eczema

In addition to cat saliva, feline dander also contains Fel d 1. Skin flakes from animals with fur or feathers, such as cats, are called dander. The material is airborne and spreads quickly. As long as a cat (or any other animal) is in your home, it is nearly impossible to avoid being exposed to the allergen because the protein is also found in other bodily fluids and feces.

How to take care of a Ragdoll cat

A quick boop on the snoot, yes, thank you.

Ragdolls need special attention to maintain the health of their skin and coat. Because of this, there is less needless shedding and dander, which reduces human exposure to Fel D 1.

Ragdolls are wonderful companions because of their devotion and love, as well as their kind and amiable disposition. Additionally, they are highly cooperative, making it simple to train them to behave well.

Although these cats are fairly self-sufficient and capable of surviving on their own, they still enjoy the company of people and other cats.

To raise a fit and happy Ragdoll, make sure to:

  • Give them enough exercise, especially as kittens
  • Brush their fur regularly
  • Due to a genetic predisposition, have them evaluated for cardiac issues.
  • Feed them the right diet

Diet is crucial for your cat’s well-being. A sufficient meal plan controls their weight and delays or prevents a number of chronic illnesses.

The type of food and how often your Ragdoll is fed can determine their level of health. Although some cat parents prefer their fat cat, obesity raises the risk of diabetes, arthritis, and other conditions, particularly in larger breeds.

A healthy diet consisting of fresh meat and fish that is balanced and high in protein but low in carbohydrates benefits your cat’s skin, coat, and general health. It also reduces dander and shedding, gastrointestinal issues, and allergies in cats, which are the least common. You can have a great life with your Ragdoll because you won’t be exposed to much Fel d 1 because there won’t be any cat hair, vomit, sneezing, or runny stool around the house.

Tips for Allergy-Prone Cat Lovers

If you’re a cat lover with allergies but still find yourself drawn to Ragdolls, you can still enjoy their company by taking a few calculated precautions:

  • Speak with an Allergist: Get an allergy assessment from an allergist prior to bringing a Ragdoll home. They can recommend personalized strategies to manage your allergies effectively.
  • Frequent Grooming: To lessen loose fur and dander, brush your Ragdoll frequently. Choose hypoallergenic grooming tools designed to minimize allergen dispersal.
  • Clean and Purify: To capture airborne allergens, get a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter. Clean your home frequently, paying attention to cat-frequented areas.
  • Defined Cat-free Zones: To guarantee allergy-free sleep, establish cat-free zones throughout your house, particularly in the bedrooms.
  • Wash Hands and Clothes: To stop allergens from spreading, wash your hands and change into new clothes after interacting with your ragdoll.
  • Examine Allergen-Reducing Products: To create an allergy-friendly atmosphere, look into allergen-reducing products such as hypoallergenic air filters, covers, and bedding.
  • Medication and Immunotherapy: To alleviate allergic reactions, speak with your allergist about allergy medications or immunotherapy.


Do Ragdolls have respiratory issues?

Respiratory tract disorders + Like all cats, Ragdolls can suffer from cat flu, which affects the upper respiratory tract and causes sneezing and a nasal discharge. It is an incurable viral condition, but it is easily prevented by vaccination and the symptoms can be managed.

Do Ragdolls shed a lot?

Ragdolls are longhaired cats, so you have to expect a certain amount of shedding from this breed. But they don’t shed as much as you might think, given their thick coats. The temperature, season and their diets will all have an impact on how much they shed.

Are Ragdolls high maintenance?

While Ragdoll cats might be a bit high maintenance in some areas, they are outstanding companions that you’ll quickly start to love. Do not let the little extra work keep you from getting one; just know what you’re signing up for beforehand so you can ensure that you have the time and energy to properly care for them.