are russian blue cats mean

Russian Blue cats are curious but calm, affectionate but not clingy, and very smart. They can be shy at first, but they are playful and loving once they feel comfortable. While they are happy living with families and even other pets, Russian Blue cats tend to form a deep connection with only one person.

Russian Blue Cat personality

Though she tends to attach to one pet parent in particular, the Russian blue is a sweet-tempered, devoted cat that will follow her owner everywhere, so don’t be surprised if she greets you at the front door! She shows affection with her entire family and demands it in return. Russian blues are said to train their owners rather than the other way around; this is a legend that has been repeatedly shown to be accurate.

Although they are highly gregarious animals, they also value their alone time and will actively look for a peaceful, secret spot to sleep. They don’t mind if you spend the entire day at work, but they do need lots of playtime when you get home. Russian blues are typically wary of strangers and may hide in big groups.

Due to their high level of intelligence and need for both mental and physical stimulation, Russian blue cats should always have access to toys. They still have a strong hunting instinct, so the ideal plaything is a fishing pole toy with feathers. These kinds of toys should be kept in a location that is secure from cats because: (a) your cat will rip them to pieces; and (b) she might eat the feathers or string, which is bad for her digestive system and general health.

Your Russian blue will require less care and grooming if you follow good hygiene practices. After adoption, there are a few essentials to keep a cat comfortable. For example, you should buy a medium-toothed comb to keep her double coat silky and opulent, as well as a toothbrush and cat-safe toothpaste (available online or at your neighborhood pet store). One crucial fact about the Russian blue cat breed is that they enjoy eating, so watch out for her overindulgence. Even though she probably begs for food several times a day, you should be firm, adhere to the feeding schedule, use measured portions of cat food, and limit the amount of cat treats you give her.

The Russian blue is extremely talkative, just like her Siamese relative, and she uses her voice to let her pet parents know when she wants to play, eat, or cuddle. She is perceptive and tenacious, making sure her needs are satisfied at all times. You are never really alone when you have a Russian blue fur baby because she doesn’t adjust well to change, such as different meal times or unknown visitors, so be prepared to hear about it! She will respond favorably if you talk back and forth with her frequently.

History of the Russian Blue Cat

Not much is known about this rare breed however, it is believed that the Russian blue originates from northern Russia, specifically the Archangel Isles. According to the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), cat rumor has it that the Russian blue breed descended from the cats kept by the Russian Czars. Assuming the Russian blue did migrate from northern Russia, it was likely via ship to England and northern Europe in the mid-1860s. As early as the sixteenth century, recorded history shows that trade ships passed between this territory and the British Isles, and the Vikings were active in both regions centuries prior, but there is no mention of the Russian blue cat until the nineteenth century.

According to the CFA, the Russian blue cat made its royal debut in 1875 when it was displayed as the Archangel Cat at London’s Crystal Palace. Under the direction of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, the Crystal Palace was built in 1851 as the site of The Great Exhibition. From then on, it was used to display objects of interest to the Victorian London population, both living and dead, and its attractions were popular worldwide. By the middle of the 1800s, cat shows were routinely held and well-liked occasions.

Its no surprise that such a stately cat has such royal roots, with its sleek, sophisticated demeanor. Although it was exhibited alongside other blue cats, by 1912, the Russian blue was given its own classification, points out Vetstreet, after its introduction to the United States in the early 1900s. However, says the CFA, the breed really took ahold of pet lovers hearts after World War II, and it has been gaining popularity steadily since the 1960s.

About the Russian Blue Cat

The Russian blue cat’s incredibly dense, soft double coat gives the impression that she is larger than she actually is. Because she doesn’t shed as much as other cat breeds and produces less of the known allergen glycoprotein Fel d 1, she might be a good option for pet parents with allergies.


Do Russian Blue cats have attitude?

Cattime says Russian Blue cats are known for being well-behaved, gentle and quiet. They are loyal to and enjoy the company of their humans, but they may be shy and reserved around new people.

Why not to get a Russian Blue cat?

Here are some potential downsides to owning a Russian Blue cat: Independent: Russian Blues are more independent than other breeds. They don’t do well with changes like moving, or being adopted out to another family. They really only bond with one person and getting outside of their routine makes them anxious.

Do Russian Blue cats have anger issues?

Russian Blue cats are not inherently aggressive, but they can exhibit aggressive behavior under certain circumstances. Aggression in cats can be caused by various factors, such as fear, stress, illness, maternal instinct, territorial behavior, environmental change, or routine disruption.

Are Russian Blue cats clingy?

The Russian Blue cat is not known for being clinging; they are independent but also quite sweet. Even though they are social animals, they are shy and reserved around new guests and prefer to be alone. They are a lively and playful breed that needs to be busy with activities to prevent mischievous behavior.