are russian blue cats small

The Russian Blue is an attractive, medium sized cat with a moderately ‘foreign’ type body (‘foreign’ in cat terms means ‘like a Siamese cat’), long and lithe and very muscular, yet graceful.

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are russian blue cats small

Russian Blue Cat Personality

Russian Blue cats are very intelligent, loving but not needy, and curious but peaceful. When they feel at ease, they can be playful and affectionate despite their initial shyness.

Russian Blue cats tend to develop a close bond with a single individual, even though they are content to live with families and even other pets. When they form a bond with someone, they become highly perceptive of their pet parent’s feelings; therefore, if you’re feeling down, don’t be shocked if your cat pats your face to make you feel better.

Russian Blue cats are a naturally occurring breed that also has excellent health. However, they have a marginally increased risk of developing urinary tract problems and bladder stones. Plus, they can more easily be affected by obesity. These kitties are foodies, and they’ll never stop requesting more. If your cat is a Russian Blue, you should think about weighing their meals and discuss your cat’s diet with your veterinarian.

Naturally, there is always a chance that even the healthiest cats could experience health problems at some point in their lives. Our claims data** indicates that the most common reasons Russian Blue pet parents file claims under their pet insurance plan are as follows:

  • Gastrointestinal issues—average cost of $598.38
  • Ear infections—average cost of $131.46
  • Urinary tract infections—average cost of $281.80
  • Kidney disease—average cost of $314.04
  • Eye issues—average cost of $136.09

The expenses of diagnosing and treating a variety of medical conditions, such as these, can be partially covered by an ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan. You should think about insurance for your feline family member if you currently own a Russian Blue cat or are considering adopting one. Learn more by getting a quote now.

Russian Blue Cat personality

Though she tends to attach to one pet parent in particular, the Russian blue is a sweet-tempered, devoted cat that will follow her owner everywhere, so don’t be surprised if she greets you at the front door! She shows affection with her entire family and demands it in return. Russian blues are said to train their owners rather than the other way around; this is a legend that has been repeatedly shown to be accurate.

Although they are highly gregarious animals, they also value their alone time and will actively look for a peaceful, secret spot to sleep. They don’t mind if you spend the entire day at work, but they do need lots of playtime when you get home. Russian blues are typically wary of strangers and may hide in big groups.

Due to their high level of intelligence and need for both mental and physical stimulation, Russian blue cats should always have access to toys. They still have a strong hunting instinct, so the ideal plaything is a fishing pole toy with feathers. These kinds of toys should be kept in a location that is secure from cats because: (a) your cat will rip them to pieces; and (b) she might eat the feathers or string, which is bad for her digestive system and general health.

Your Russian blue will require less care and grooming if you follow good hygiene practices. After adoption, there are a few essentials to keep a cat comfortable. For example, you should buy a medium-toothed comb to keep her double coat silky and opulent, as well as a toothbrush and cat-safe toothpaste (available online or at your neighborhood pet store). One crucial fact about the Russian blue cat breed is that they enjoy eating, so watch out for her overindulgence. Even though she probably begs for food several times a day, you should be firm, adhere to the feeding schedule, use measured portions of cat food, and limit the amount of cat treats you give her.

The Russian blue is extremely talkative, just like her Siamese relative, and she uses her voice to let her pet parents know when she wants to play, eat, or cuddle. She is perceptive and tenacious, making sure her needs are satisfied at all times. You are never really alone when you have a Russian blue fur baby because she doesn’t adjust well to change, such as different meal times or unknown visitors, so be prepared to hear about it! She will respond favorably if you talk back and forth with her frequently.


How big do Russian Blue cats grow?

These cats grow to be approximately 10 inches tall and weigh 7-15 pounds, but how long do Russian Blue cats live? They can live 15-20 years – if not longer, if well cared for. These kitties are also referred to as Archangel Blues, Foreign Blues, or Maltese Cats.

Why are Russian Blue cats so special?

Russian blues are known for their thick, gorgeous blue-gray coat and bright eyes. These cats are sweet, loyal, and cautious animals who love having a routine. A loving temperament, independent streak, and low grooming requirements make the Russian blue a great family pet.

How can I tell if my cat is a Russian Blue?

The best way to identify a Russian Blue cat is to look for a combination of features that are unique to this breed. A Russian Blue cat has a silvery-blue coat, green eyes, a wedge-shaped head, large ears, a straight nose, a slender body, long legs, and a long tail.

What are the downsides to Russian Blue cats?

Be aware that Russian Blue cats are prone to obesity and tend to have big appetites. Make sure you give them healthy treats, lean meats, and the recommended amount set out on the food packaging. This breed typically has a small frame means they can be seen as underweight when in fact they’re perfectly healthy.