are scindapsus toxic to cats

Pothos (both Scindapsus and Epipremnum) belongs to the Araceae family. If chewed or ingested, this popular household plant can cause significant mechanical irritation and swelling of the oral tissues and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is Satin Pothos Poisoning?

Scindapsus pictus, the scientific name for the satin pothos plant, is well-known worldwide. It belongs to the Araceae family. The brilliant green leaves of the satin pothos are outlined and speckled with white pigmentation. This poisonous plant, also known as silk pothos, is a common decorative houseplant that increases the risk of intoxication in indoor house cats.

The toxic condition known as “satin pothos poisoning” in cats is brought on by ingesting the plant’s roots, stems, or leaves. Raphides, which are needle-like calcium oxalate crystals, are woven throughout the satin pothos. These raphides burn the mouth extremely when swallowed, and they can even cause a large swelling of the throat, which puts the cat in danger of suffocating. The needle-shaped oxalate crystals will precipitate in the cat’s kidneys and turn into a solid if they are digested, which will ultimately cause the cat to die. Visible signs of oral irritation combined with excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting are a reliable indicator of satin pothos poisoning in cats.

Satin Pothos Poisoning Average Cost

From 325 quotes ranging from $200 – $500

Causes of Satin Pothos Poisoning in Cats

Raphides, which are needle-like calcium oxalate crystals, are the poisonous part of satin pothos. If a feline consumes the stem, leaves, roots, or unripe fruit, they could become poisoned by satin pothos. Chewing the satin pothos plant releases the needle-like calcium oxalate crystals by dissolving the raphides. For as long as two weeks following the initial ingestion, the crystals may become lodged in the cat’s throat and digestive system.

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The calcium oxalate crystals found in spathiphyllum can irritate pets’ mouths, lips, and tongues, as well as cause vomiting, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, and severe burning.

Pothos (both Scindapsus and Epipremnum) belongs to the Araceae family. This common household plant can seriously irritate and inflame the tissues of the mouth and other areas of the digestive system if chewed or swallowed.

The crystals of calcium oxalate found in Schefflera and Brassaia actinophylla can irritate pets’ mouths, lips, and tongues, and can also induce vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drooling.

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Is Scindapsus Pictus pet-friendly?

This plant can be toxic if ingested. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets.

What happens if a cat eats a pothos?

When your kitty bites into the plant, the crystals are released, and will penetrate her body tissues. These severely irritate your kitty’s mouth and throat, and can cause vomiting, swollen tongue, trouble swallowing, breathing difficulty, and gastrointestinal pain.

Is Scindapsus poisonous?

Golden pothos (Scindapsus aures) Golden Pothos is a poisonous plant and should be kept away from small children and pets. Golden Pothos is considered to be only mildly harmful in small quantities, but can produce uncomfortable and sometimes serious side effects in animals and people.

Is silver satin Scindapsus safe for pets?

The sap also contains insoluble calcium oxalates and will cause a painful burning skin irritation. Consuming any part of a satin pothos plant is poisonous for humans as well, but dogs are more susceptible because they like to chew and graze on greenery and foliage. Protect yourself and your pet.