are some cats naturally skinny

Underweight cats aren’t as common as overweight ones, but it’s still something we need to monitor if we want them to live their best life. If you have a naturally thin cat and they have always been that way, there’s no reason to be concerned.

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Yes. Cats differ from humans in terms of size, shape, and weight. And just like with us, a portion of that is determined by age, genetics, health, and diet.

One of my lady’s cats has always been small and skinny; she was the runt of the litter and there was no guarantee she would live. She hasn’t seemed to be restricted in any way when it comes to climbing or jumping, and I believe that because of the square/cube law, she is stronger than one might anticipate given her weight.

Not only was the other cat in the family taller, wider, and longer, but it also had stronger muscles. Without being overweight, I believe he might have weighed twice as much as the little one.

(The easiest way to determine if a cat is overweight is to run your hand down their back and count each vertebra; if they do not, they are healthy.) There’s probably more fat there than there should be if any or all of them are difficult to feel through the skin. The runt is actually underweight; in addition to being able to feel every bone in her back, it’s also a little difficult to believe that her back contains muscles and tendons. Especially true now that shes a senior catizen. ).

I have an extremely long and thin eight-year-old tabby cat. He eats, but is never really very interested in food. Hell, if given the option, will always choose a hug over food. He spends the night indoors and uses a cat door to go outside during the day. sometimes goes bird hunting and brings me a bird, but never consumes any that I have seen.

Ive tried every kind and combo of food out there. In the two months since I adopted him, he has only put on 40 grams. The vet did complete labs and a very thorough exam. She claims he is in excellent health and that his blood work and teeth are those of a much younger cat. I guess hes just a naturally skinny guy.

If youre concerned, a blood and urine test to show liver and kidney function could reassure you. Although theyre expensive, it Helped me quit stressing and buying umpteen types of cat food that he didnt really want anyway. enter  description here

Is your cat sterilized? Because mating calls require a lot of energy, unsterilized cats are typically quite fit and even skinny.

She probably runs a lot outside as well, which aids in her fitness.

It would be hilarious if, in addition, she is still growing and all of her energy is focused on growing bigger rather than wider.

My third question was, did the worming medication work? She needs to be wormed every four months because she goes outside. Maybe its worth trying another medicine?.

We have a tall, lean, and skinny tux-tabby boy who draws attention to himself for being so thin. Hes 12lbs, slender, and perfect. I was always told that feeling ribs is okay as long as you press gently, like during a stroke, for example. Perhaps it depends on the breed? Some are slinky! Myself and my partner have decided not to go outside because of the diseases and traffic in my neighborhood. I let them go explore our awful neighborhood because I could not handle anything that happened to them.

However, I agree with others’ remarks regarding the wet food and would also add that ingredients are crucial, particularly when it comes to cats. Even at three years old, my two boys, who have always been fed high-quality food, still play like crazy kittens. Eat as little dry food as possible and consider “fingerpinch” rather than “handfull.” Cats are carnivores; they receive very little nourishment from plants and very little from the ground-up grains that companies like Hills(?) and Friskies love to use as a major ingredient in their food. There is NO such thing as a “dry mouse.” Ground Yellow Corn. for example. nothing more than industrial waste used to make up their slaughterhouse waste—something I would never feed to a pig—but people spend their hard-earned money on these products, which are only worth the tin they come in! A lot of the dry food available also contains excessive filler and insufficient sources of rich protein, not to mention the horrifying manufacturing process! People add wet food or water, which encourages the growth of stagnant bacteria. Drinking won’t be able to compensate for this diet of dry food; it won’t help a species that is known for having low thirst drives, and it won’t stop those kidneys from working extra hard to repair the damage that dry food causes.

There are many ways to give a cat exercise indoors, like a cat tree, so maybe if you keep this cat inside more, you might notice some weight gain.

Finally, for a treat, try lightly cooking (or fully cooking) some chicken breast, hearts, or liver. For my little guys, I leave it a little pink in the middle, and they love it! It may seem simple, but I had a hard time adjusting as my boys grew (they are now 12 pounds each), so make sure you are feeding according to your cat’s weight. That means, forget about the cans and focus on the calories. If it’s any help, my boys typically consume 300 mg per day.

p. s. “High grade dry food” is a misnomer. Its actually becoming known as “Kidney disease in a bag”. There are some exceptions to the general rule that the worst wet food might be superior to the best dry food, such as in the case of science diets and purines.

I have three cats at present. Two are norwegian forest cats. One of them is overweight; it may weigh one kilogram less. The tomcat has an optimal weight. The Main Coon, my third cat, is taller and much thinner than the others. It could have at least 500g more. Since my cats are a little picky and don’t like the food the others get, each one gets its own kind of food. They did not change their build during the last years.

If your cat is in good health and is active, I wouldn’t worry. If you feed dry food, you could always have it available (along with water, of course). I believe your cat will take only what it requires.

I am aware that cats live in deserts and rely on wet food to provide them with the necessary moisture. Think of dry food like eating a dehydrated food ration. Then the drink quickly plumps up and evaporates, which isn’t how I would personally prefer to eat. However, because pet foods do not list sugars, it is even more difficult to provide your cat with the nutrition they require. I hope this is helpful to someone, and I will only feed wet food or cooked meats like fish and chicken to my future cats.

Cats do need to get their moisture from their food. For females, a consistent dry food diet can cause cystitis; worse, a plugged male bladder can result. Cats prefer not to drink from a bowl, but they will if they become extremely thirsty. If they can obtain their water from their food instead of having to use a bowl, that is undoubtedly healthier.

Regretfully, the majority of vet hospitals in the Hills sell food that is not the healthiest for your pet. Veterinary nutrition is the most overlooked course work in Vet. School. Vet students are expertly persuaded by Hills that their food is “the best” Also, they offer the best margins, which encourages veterinarians to advocate for their goods. Take a look at the ingredient label and notice that the ingredients are listed in order of decreasing portion size, with the first ingredient being the largest portion of the dish. If the first three ingredients are corn or other grains, it is a clear sign that the food is of lower quality. It is regrettable that a lot of the decisions made in the “modern” veterinary hospital are influenced by economics, but have you ever seen a dog or cat enjoying themselves in a cornfield?

Most Lean Cats Are Not Underweight

One thing to note before we dive into specific tests is that many cats are technically overweight.

The truth is that our individual perceptions and, of course, the internet, somewhat distort what constitutes a healthy weight.

While some people—including myself—might view slender cats as healthy, others might view their fur children’s weight as an indication of overall health and wellbeing.

Online, one can find an abundance of cute cats, including many chonkers, but those adorable obese cats are exactly that—obese.

It’s only a matter of time until their increased weight causes excessive joint strain and/or results in other complications like feline diabetes or kidney problems.

You may be shocked to learn how prevalent this problem is:

It’s common to assume that a thin cat is underweight, but that’s not always the case. Since cats are predators and naturally slender, they must hunt for food in the wild.

Because of the aches and pains and the sheer effort of moving those extra pounds, being obese makes it more difficult for them to hunt.

Healthy Weight Ranges for Your Cat

You may have noticed that I haven’t yet mentioned a specific weight. This is due to the fact that your cat’s weight greatly varies based on its size.

Both a small female and a large male can be healthy despite having very different weights. Likewise, a Maine Coon, Savannah, or Norwegian Forest Cat will weigh significantly less than a Munchkin, Rex, or Siamese.

Your veterinarian can provide you with an estimate of your cat’s ideal weight range when you speak with them. However, appearance and how their skin feels on their bones are generally excellent indicators.

Cats can range anywhere from around 8-10 lbs. on average to as much as 25 lbs. and still be healthy, depending on their breed and gender. Thats why its so challenging to determine by weight alone.


Why is my cat skinny but eats normal?

Like weight gain, weight loss is a serious issue in cats. When your cat is losing weight but still eating, there might be an underlying medical problem, particularly hyperthyroidism or diabetes. If your cat is losing weight rapidly or is underweight, consult your veterinarian.

Why is my cat so bony?

Older Cats Might Lose Weight and Muscle Mass If your cat is getting into their senior years, it is normal for their body to change. As long as they are continuing to consume their regular meals and staying hydrated and nourished, it’s normal for them to become a little more knobby and bony – especially along the spine.

What is considered skinny for a cat?

If your cat is 10% under their ideal weight then they are classed as underweight. If your cat is underweight: you will be able to see their ribs and spine, especially if they have short fur. their waist will very obviously tuck in behind their ribs when you look at them from above.

Are some cats naturally small?

Yes. Some breeds and types of cats are naturally smaller, such as the Devon Rex or Siamese. Female cats are also often smaller than males.