are sunflowers harmful to cats

Conclusion. Sunflowers are bold and beautiful harbingers of late summer. They are also non-toxic to cats and will not likely cause significant health issues if consumed. But keep in mind sunflowers can cause mild gastrointestinal distress for your pet, so they are best left off your kitty’s menu.

Our top 10 cat-safe plants

Although many orchids are safe for cats to handle, it’s still a good idea to identify the type of orchid before allowing your cat to touch these lovely plants. Phalaenopsis orchids, sometimes referred to as moth or moon orchids, are frequently found in stores and supermarkets and pose no risk to your cat if consumed by accident. On the other hand, while Phalaenopsis orchids might not be poisonous to your cat, they require more care because they require the ideal amount of sunlight and water to survive. However, if you give them the right care, you and your cat will both enjoy watching these exquisite flowers bloom in the winter, once a year.

If your cat is a sunflower enthusiast, you can bring these plants into your house because they won’t harm it if your cat inadvertently eats them. But just like with the other plants on the list, it’s advisable to try to keep your cat away from these plants whenever you can.

The bamboo plant is another eye-catching plant that both humans and cats find appealing. Fortunately, cats can safely handle this plant as well, though it’s best to keep it out of their reach as your cat could easily topple this tall, thin plant!

The bromeliad is a colorful addition to your living room if you enjoy bright house plants. These plants typically grow in rosettes and range in color from maroon to green and gold. In addition to being a popular option on any list of plants that are safe for cats to touch, bromeliads require little water in exchange for their stunning blooms, just some sunshine. That sounds like a great deal!.

The bird’s nest fern is a fantastic plant with large, frequently crinkled fronds that is perfect for any bathroom, even if you have cats. The bird’s nest fern thrives in environments with high humidity and little light. If your cat does manage to get their paws on the leaves of this plant, the substances within are safe for cats to consume, though they may still cause digestive distress! Just like the other non-poisonous plants on this list, owners should try to avoid letting their cats near this fern!

This gorgeous bloomer is non-toxic to cats and is quite easy to grow. African violets bloom all year long, so if you want a daily dose of purple, put a pot of them in your garden or on a bookshelf.

The gloxinia plant can grow beautiful flowers on a sunny windowsill; you would be hard-pressed to find flowers more beautiful than these. This Brazilian native’s red, blue, and purple tones will captivate both you and your cat. Plus, it’s non-toxic for moggies!.

Another popular option for cat owners is the polka dot plant, a cat-safe house plant with an unusual appearance that is sure to impress guests. Just watch out that this exotic beauty receives the proper quantity of water and sunlight.

Hanging baskets are a great way to keep peperomia plants happy and possibly out of your cat’s reach. Furthermore, these plants don’t need a lot of care and will flourish even if you occasionally forget to water them.

The Boston fern is another low-maintenance plant that is safe for cats. This is a great plant to add to your décor if you want to brighten up the bathroom, especially since it enjoys a little additional humidity. But even if your cat is enticing him with the glossy leaves, it’s best to keep this plant out of his reach.

Other cat-safe house plants that are non-toxic include:

  • Friendship Plant
  • Common Staghorn Fern
  • Hibiscus
  • Ponytail Palm
  • Calathea
  • Zebra Haworthia
  • Roses
  • King and Queen Fern
  • Venus Flytrap
  • Spider Plant
  • Parlor Palm
  • Money Tree

As you can see, there are a ton of intriguing and lovely plants that are safe for cats to be around. Whatever your favorite is, remember that one of the best things to do when your furry friend is around and curious is to select a sturdy pot. You can have the ideal environment for cats and plants to coexist under one roof if you always try to make it difficult for your cat to get to the plant and impossible for them to move it with their paws.

See our article for additional details on plants and other items that may be toxic or harmful to your cat.

Next, learn our best advice for cat-proofing your garden, including which outdoor plants to remove that are toxic and which fences work best to keep curious cats from getting over them.

What About Sunflower Seeds?

All parts of the sunflower are non-toxic, including the seeds. So, in theory, your cat could safely eat sunflower seeds. Once more, eating an excessive amount of seeds may cause upset stomach. Additionally, the tiny sunflower seeds may present a choking hazard to cats due to their poor chewing habits. Additionally, sunflower seeds that you purchased from a store are probably salted, so watch out for too much sodium intake.

Never let your cat eat sunflower seed shells, however. The rough shells might irritate their digestive system, and consuming an excessive amount could cause a blockage.

Your cat may come across sunflower shells from outdoors planted sunflowers or from birdseed that has spilled outside. Once more, get in touch with your veterinarian if you observe any symptoms, such as your cat not eating, losing weight, or frequently vomiting and having diarrhea.

Sunflowers: Non-Toxic But Not a Good Snack

According to the ASPCA, sunflowers are non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. While you don’t have to worry about deadly consequences if your cat ingests parts of the sunflower, they could still suffer some digestive upset.

Cats have a hard time digesting raw plant materials. Consuming a lot of sunflower seeds may cause diarrhea or vomiting. Keep a watchful eye on your cat if you think they may have been chewing on a sunflower. The majority of the time, as soon as they stop eating the flowers, their stomach issues should disappear.

If your cat stops eating or if their symptoms don’t go better in a day or two, get in touch with your veterinarian. Don’t forget to inform them about consuming sunflower seeds.


Are sunflower petals poisonous?

Sunflowers are not poisonous, but eating the plant can cause an upset stomach. Always check with your doctor or veterinarian for guidance if you suspect sunflower poisoning. Here are some common symptoms to look out for: Vomiting.

What is the most toxic flower to cats?

Lilies. This beautiful unofficial symbol of Spring is among the most toxic flowers to cats. All varieties – including the Easter, Tiger, Stargazer, Red, Wood, and Day – are unsafe. With some flowers, the petals and the buds are the hazards for cats but, with lilies, it’s also the pollen, the leaves, and the stems.

Do cats like the smell of sunflowers?

Other garden scents cats like include: Sunflowers. Valerian. Olive trees, oils and leaves (which can produce a similar effect to catnip)

Are sunflowers safe around pets?

Sunflowers beam with cheer, and good news for dog owners: they’re non-toxic to dogs. Unlike some plants that require a wide berth, sunflowers can brighten your garden without the worry of harming your furry friend.