are wild violets poisonous to cats

Are dog violets toxic to cats?

The botanical name for dog violets is viola riviniana, and they are frequently found growing in forests. They are non-toxic to cats and offer a home for butterflies and other insects.

Are alpine violets toxic to cats?

are wild violets poisonous to cats

Cyclamens are often called alpine violets or Persian violets, although they are not part of the violet family. These flowers are poisonous to cats and dogs as well as horses and other livestock.

The toxic principle of terpenoid saponins, which can cause severe symptoms in cats and dogs, is present in the plant’s leaves and flowers. Your pet may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling if he consumes even a small amount of cyclamen.

If the animal consumes larger amounts, it may experience irregular heart rhythms, which can lead to seizures and, in the worst situations, death. If your pet has consumed any part of a cyclemen, you must take him to the vet immediately, even if there are no symptoms at this time.

Are African Violets toxic to cats?

It is not believed that the African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) is poisonous to cats. But just like with any plant, there’s a chance your cat might become allergic to it.

After your cat comes into contact with an African violet and starts to sneeze, scratch, or act uncomfortable in any other way, it’s best to remove the plant from your home and take your pet to the veterinarian for additional assessment.

?? Why Sweet Violet is different from truly toxic plants

Sweet Violet avoids the toxic group with a chemistry that won’t harm your furry friends. It is devoid of the toxic substances that cause problems for cats, such as the insoluble calcium oxalates in peace lilies and the cardiac glycosides in lilies. Sweet Violet is a breath of fresh air in the misinformation garden—a plant that can coexist with your cat without posing the same risks as its toxic cousins.