can a cat eat apples

Can cats drink milk?

Because cats’ digestive systems are inherently sensitive to lactose, dairy products upset them. Cats should avoid drinking cows milk, as it contains lactose. After being weaned from their mother’s milk, kittens have less capacity to produce the enzyme lactase, which aids in the digestion of lactose.

Your cat may exhibit the following symptoms if they have been fed milk:

Cats should have access to clean, fresh water on a daily basis. While soy milk substitutes don’t contain lactose, they do contain anti-nutritional components that cats may find difficult to digest.

Can Cats Eat Apples?

In actuality, fruits do not naturally occur in a cat’s diet. Because cats are carnivores, feeding them an excessive amount of sugar over time can lead to digestive problems or diabetes. Yes, even natural sugar can be found in fruit! In the end, it’s advised against giving cats a lot of apples, especially when they’re replacing a meal.

The good news is, you most likely won’t have to fight them off from apples. Due to their carnivorous appetites, cats lack taste receptors for sweetness, as Scientific American explains, so they won’t be too excited by a sweet treat of any type, including apples.

If you do feed your cat a part of your apple, however, be sure they don’t eat the seeds. The apple itself is non-toxic for cats, but the seeds contain cyanide and are poisonous for cats.

Can cats eat eggs?

Cats can have a small amount of cooked egg, either boiled or scrambled, as part of a balanced diet. Cats can receive nutrient-rich protein and amino acids from eggs as part of a balanced treat. Cats are just like humans in that they can become sick if they eat raw eggs because they can spread bacteria like salmonella.