can a cat throw up worms

Roundworm infection can have numerous negative effects. It is a common cause of diarrhea in young animals and can cause vomiting as well. Sometimes the worms themselves are vomited up which can be alarming as they can be quite large with females reaching lengths of up to seven inches.

For more information on roundworms and parasites please visit the Companion Animal Parasitic Council website at

Cats and kittens are susceptible to two different types of roundworms: Toxascaris leonina and Toxacara cati. We refer to the infection as roundworm and treat it the same way once eggs are found during a fecal examination because treatment protocols involve the same medication regimen. Toxacara cati can infect cats and kittens in three different ways:

What’s the Prognosis for Cats Diagnosed with Roundworms?

The prognosis for cats with roundworm infection is pretty good. But, it’s imperative to treat the roundworm as soon as possible to prevent your cat from getting sick or dying.

Because cats are adept at concealing illness until it becomes quite apparent, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as you notice signs of roundworm infestation. Furthermore, by then it might be too late for the treatment to take effect.

Roundworms come in different varieties that can infect cats. Despite having similar appearances and behaviors, they have distinct life cycles.

  • Toxocara Cati is generally seen in kittens. It is passed from an infected mother to her child through breast milk. Nevertheless, eating eggs can also result in roundworms. Typically, the parasitic worm is carried by animals like earthworms, beetles, and rats. The cat’s digestive tract then produces roundworm larvae from the eggs.
  • Less frequently occurring Toxascara Leonina is found in elderly dogs and cats. Compared to the Toxocara Cati, its life cycle is more simple. This type of egg is found in the excrement of cats or dogs. Additionally, they hatch into adult roundworms in the digestive system after being consumed.
  • In dogs, Toxocara Canis is the most prevalent kind of roundworm. They can spread to humans and reach a maximum length of 7 inches. The resulting larvae can migrate and infiltrate the gut wall after the infectious eggs are consumed. If the dog is older than five weeks, the migrating larvae may enter the body tissues where they encyst.

Treatment for Roundworm Infections

Roundworms are pretty easy to treat. Begin by administering a monthly or bimonthly deworming medication to your feline companion.

The drugs only affect adult roundworms; they have no effect on larvae or eggs. For best results, they should therefore be repeated every two to three weeks. Treatment continues until the remaining roundworms reach an adult stage. The circumstances and the cat’s age determine how many treatments are necessary.

It is advised by the Companion Animal Parasite Council to deworm a kitten every two weeks until it is four months old. Deworming pregnant dogs should also occur in the latter stages of the pregnancy, ideally after six weeks. This will lessen the likelihood that it will be passed on to the puppies. Conversely, puppies should begin deworming at two weeks of age and continue the process for as long as the pet requires it.

Roundworms can cause serious health problems in cats, including death, so it’s important to get them treated as soon as possible. You can give this as part of routine care, even if you no longer see any signs. It will definitely keep them away!


What do you do if your cat vomits worms?

What if My Cat Vomits Worms? If you see roundworms in the vomit, this is a sign that they have a severe infection. You will need to get them checked by their vet immediately and dewormed! It also means that other organs like the liver or lungs are also infected (or damaged).

Can humans catch roundworms from cats?

A dog or cat can be infected when they swallow dirt with dog or cat feces that has worm eggs or larvae. Can roundworms and hookworms infect people? Yes. These worms, like other infections that humans can get from animals, are called zoonotic (zoe-o-NOT-ick) infections or zoonoses (zoe- o-NO-sees).

Should I treat my cat with roundworms?

The larvae can travel all through the body and organs and can cause blindness if they migrate to a person’s eyes. There are ways you can help cut down your risk of contracting this parasite. Treat any pet that has roundworms, and make sure that ALL of the pet poop in your life is quickly scooped up and disposed of.

How do you get rid of roundworms in cats at home?

Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder made from fossilized algae that can be used to kill parasites like roundworms. Mix a small amount of food grade diatomaceous earth with your cat’s meals to help eliminate the parasites.