can a pregnant cat be neutered

In many cases, animal shelters and rescue organizations opt to spay or neuter incoming cats, even if they are pregnant, to prevent future pregnancies.

Spaying Can Help Animal Rescue Groups

The fight against cat overpopulation is overwhelming for animal rescue organizations, humane societies, and TNR (trap-neuter-release) groups; these organizations dread “kitten season,” which lasts for a significant portion of the year in many regions. They are aware that the deaths of last year’s kittens or older cats in shelters will be attributable to this year’s kitten crop. There just isn’t enough room for them all, so something has to give. Young kittens are in the greatest demand when it comes to supply and demand.

Spaying a pregnant cat that has been rescued can aid in reducing the overpopulation issue. For the enormous number of homeless cats, there are just not enough homes. A planned litter prevention may also help keep living cats and kittens from dying. Some people believe that each kitten born to a pregnant female cat that is adopted by the finder and has good homes waiting for her kittens is somehow responsible for the death of another shelter cat or kitten that might have been adopted into one of those homes.

Naturally, there is no proof that the individuals who were going to visit the shelter would have instead chosen to adopt the mother and/or kittens. Maybe they hadn’t even known anyone was looking for a cat until they heard that a friend, neighbor, or coworker had kittens up for adoption. One shouldn’t be made to feel bad for permitting the birth if they are prepared to keep the mother cat and the kittens or find them loving, permanent homes. It goes without saying that the mother cat and her kittens need to be neutered and spayed as soon as possible.

Spaying Helps Overpopulation

When a pregnant cat enters one of the many animal shelters, the shelter automatically spays it. In certain no-kill shelters, particularly when the pregnancy is late-term, the mother cat is permitted to give birth. Certain rescue organizations choose not to spay a pregnant cat that they have saved.

Failing to spay or neuter cats is one of the main causes of the massive cat overpopulation issue. Spending time outdoors increases the likelihood of an unspayed cat becoming pregnant. These cats and their living kittens, whether owned, stray, or feral, never stop mating, and their progeny also never stop mating. Unspayed females may conceive with one or more of their male kittens who haven’t been neutered. In a matter of years, a pregnant female cat and her progeny can give birth to several hundred kittens.

What is actually removed during cat spaying?

Ovariohysterectomy, or cat spaying, involves the removal of the uterus in addition to the ovaries. The vagina ends in a blind sac after the cervix is tied off. The ovaries must be removed whole because they are the source of heat cycles, the potential development of mammary tumors, and behavioral issues. While some veterinarians choose to remove the uterus as well, it is generally thought to be best to remove the entire tract, including the uterus.


How far into pregnancy can a cat be spayed?

Cat spaying can be performed at any time during the course of pregnancy. Often, the owner is unaware that the cat is pregnant. If there is any question, make it clear to your veterinarian what your wishes are should your cat be found pregnant.

How long after pregnancy can you neuter a cat?

After your cat gives birth, you might decide you don’t want her to have any more kittens. You can have her neutered around eight weeks after giving birth once her kittens are fully weaned, but discuss this with your vet as they will be best placed to advise you based on your cat’s circumstances.

Do they check for pregnancy before spaying?

Many dogs and cats are spayed while pregnant to prevent the birth of puppies or kittens. A veterinarian, however, must consider the pregnant dog or cat, as well as the stage of her pregnancy, before deciding whether she can be safely spayed.

Can a cat get fixed while nursing?

A: Yes. A cat who is spayed while she is nursing will continue to produce adequate milk for her kittens. Some veterinarians prefer to wait until a cat has weaned her kittens before doing the surgery because the mammary gland (breast) development present during nursing can make the surgery slightly more difficult.