can i use eye drops on my cat

Cats’ eyes are very different to our own and you shouldn’t use most human eye drops on them. While your vet may occasionally recommend specific human eye drops that are safe for cats, it can be dangerous to use other human eye drops on your pet, or to use any human eye drops without veterinary guidance.

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The most crucial thing, in my opinion, is to take immediate action if you suspect a problem. Regardless of the species, if you think there may be an issue with the eyes, don’t ignore it; take care of it right away.

We previously discussed a blind cat that managed to function well in spite of its blindness. It had adapted so well that we were unable to tell it was blind. However, for both people and animals, vision is important. I believe they would probably prefer it that way if they could have their vision. Vision is crucial, particularly if the cat will be in an environment that is changing, go outside, or get startled by something and be unable to defend itself. Therefore, maintaining vision is crucial for both physical and mental health and wellbeing.

There could be all kinds of signs and symptoms. Squinting, closing one’s eyes, pawing at them, rubbing them against objects, goop in the eyes, swelling, redness, cloudiness, color changes, and the inability to see through the cornea to the colored portion of the eye are a few of them. Additionally, if one eye appears different from the other in terms of pupil size, color, or visibility through it, that will also be a good indicator.

As soon as you suspect an eye issue, take care of it. There have been countless instances where someone has said, “I can’t get in until next week,” or “I’ll just see if this gets better next week.” ” A week is a long time for an eye. Anything that is going to change will change quickly. Thus, make an effort to enter and voice your worries, and we’ll work you in

We can peek at it, examine it through various lenses and lights to obtain a better look at the cornea and lens, as well as a closer look at the back of the eye. Sometimes we numb the eye and move the eyelids around. We can detect scratches and ulcers with stains, and we can measure the quantity of tears produced with tear tests.

In some cases, we may have to do a referral. We will refer you to a cat ophthalmologist since we don’t have all the necessary equipment on hand and can’t do certain tasks. There are excellent ones around.

The majority of eye treatments entail injecting something into the eye. It is unfortunate because thats not always easy to do. For many diseases, you cant give a pill for it. It has to be applied to the eye. With that being said, many conditions can affect the eye. You might be diagnosed with hyperthyroidism when you visit for an eye condition, in which case your cat will receive thyroid treatment. Many connections implicate treatments for other diseases.

Self-diagnosis is dangerous because different conditions can look very similar. It’s not always the same thing if you believe you know what kind of eye problem your cat has because you’ve seen it in yourself, your child, or another cat. If left untreated, eye problems can worsen quickly, particularly if they involve an ulcer or a scratch. You are aware that cats can playfully paw at one another to communicate with one another. You might have an ulcer or scrape that could get worse very fast. Therefore, since you have some medications in the cabinet, it would be beneficial if you didn’t think you knew how to treat it. You want it examined, and we can ensure that the right care is provided.

If you don’t take care of your minor issue, it could become more serious. You risk damaging the tiny eyeballs if you misdiagnose it yourself. Bring in any questions you may have about eye care or issues, and the doctors will examine you and determine what’s wrong. If you call us to schedule an appointment, we will be able to accommodate your urgent eye care needs. Thats the right thing to do.

You can reach us by phone at (704) 802-1280, by email, or through social media if you have any more questions in the meantime. However, do not hesitate to contact us; we will respond to you as soon as we can.

7 Tips for Treating Cat Eye Infections

As with most feline illnesses, the first step in diagnosing and treating eye infections in cats is figuring out when something is wrong. However, since many cats are quite private, especially when they’re ill, knowing what might go wrong and how to fix it can be quite beneficial. Here are some pointers for cat owners to maintain the health and brightness of their cats’ eyes.

Don’t Diagnose on Your Own

A large number of cats that are brought to veterinarians due to red eyes and other ocular symptoms have some form of conjunctivitis, which is defined by inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the conjunctiva, the area inside the eyelid. Conjunctivitis can have a variety of causes, such as trauma, viral infections, and bacterial infections.

Holt cautions that these infections’ causes might not always be one-time events because some of them end up being persistent issues. “The recurrent feline herpes virus is one of the most common infectious organisms causing conjunctivitis,” the spokesperson states. This means that over the course of several months or even years, you may need to treat the eye multiple times. In fact, the herpes virus also plays a significant role in ocular surface diseases in cats. ” Trauma is also a possibility. If a branch scratches your cat’s eye or if another cat claws hers, the injury may become infected and need medical attention. Trauma and some types of infections (e. g. The feline herpes virus) can also result in ulcers and the eroding of tissue from the eye’s surface.

Pet owners should seek professional assistance to diagnose their cat’s eye infections, as the symptoms such as drainage, redness, and squinting may not always be indicative of an infection. “Some cats develop dry eye disease as they get older. Additionally, there are various cancers that can arise in the eyes, according to Jones. This is the reason it’s critical that you are familiar with the structures of your cat’s eyes so that you can recognize any changes.


Can I give human eye drops to my cat?

Both Jones and Holt stress that using medication meant for people or other pets is not a good idea when treating cat eye infections. “Do not use any over-the-counter eye drops for your cat, unless it’s artificial tears,” Jones says. “Anything medicated can have a negative effect.”

How can I treat my cats eye infection at home?

A sting-free, antimicrobial formula, like Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Eye Wash, can effectively clean eyes suffering from conjunctivitis and flush out dirt and debris that may be causing (or exacerbating) your cat’s eye infection.

Can I use saline eye drops on my cat?

Whether you’ve got a dog or a cat, avoid using eye drops meant for humans to clear their eyes. If your pet gets something in her eye, it’s safe to use plain saline solution to rinse the eye out, but avoid any contact lens solution labeled as enzymatic or cleaning solution.

Can I use Refresh eye drops on my cat?

Artificial tears come in a number of brands and formulas. Genteal Gel, Refresh tears, and Tears Naturale are all good choices. You can flush the eye with the eye wash and then wipe the eye with a soft cloth. If you are using artificial tears, apply 3 – 4 drops in each eye and allow your pet to blink.