can u catch a cold from a cat

Cat colds are an upper respiratory infection (URI) caused by a virus or bacteria. It can’t be transmitted to humans but it can easily spread among cats, especially in compact conditions. So if you have recently boarded your cat and they have developed a cold, odds are your pet was close to another cat that has a cold.

What are the signs of colds in cats?

You might observe that your cat is displaying one or more of the following symptoms if they have a cat cold:

  • sneezing
  • sniffles
  • watery eyes
  • runny nose
  • mild fever

How did my cat catch a cold?

Your cat may have a cold if they sneeze or sniffle, but you may be curious as to how it got started in the first place. And, more crucially, how to steer clear of it going forward.

Just like colds in humans, cat colds are contagious. Because they are more likely to interact with other cats than indoor cats, outdoor cats are therefore more likely to contract the cold virus.

Upper respiratory infections (URIs) brought on by bacteria or viruses are known as cat colds. Although it cannot spread to humans, it can quickly spread among cats, particularly in confined spaces. Therefore, if your cat was recently boarded and now has a cold, it’s likely that your pet was in close proximity to another sick cat.

Selecting a trustworthy boarding facility will lessen the possibility of raising your pet’s stress levels and lower the likelihood that your cat will get URI. We treat your pet like it’s our own at South Sacramento Pet Hospital. Visit our FAQ section here if you would like more information or would like to register your pet for boarding with us.

Can cats get a cold?

Yes, they can. Your cat may have a cold if they sneeze or sniffle, but you may be curious as to how it got started in the first place. And, more crucially, how to steer clear of it going forward.

Just like colds in humans, cat colds are contagious. Because they are more likely to interact with other cats than indoor cats, outdoor cats are therefore more likely to contract the cold virus.

Bacteria or viruses are the main causes of upper respiratory infections (URI) in cats. Although it is not transmissible to humans, cats can readily contract it from one another, particularly in crowded areas. Therefore, if your cat was in close quarters with another cat who had an upper respiratory infection and you just boarded them and they are acting like they have a cold, it’s likely that your cat has a cold as well.

Selecting a trustworthy boarding facility can also lessen the possibility of raising your pet’s stress levels and decrease the likelihood that your cat will get a URI.


Can humans get respiratory infections from cats?

Bacterial etiologies of zoonotic respiratory infection that can be acquired from cats or dogs include Bordetella bronchiseptica, Pasteurella multocida, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis, Coxiella burnetii, and Bartonella henselae.

Can you pick up a cold from a cat?

The viruses that give animals things like coughs, colds, and the flu are different from the ones that cause these illnesses in people, and they don’t spread back and forth between humans and animals. Some illnesses that affect pets that do not affect humans include the following.

Can humans get sick from cats?

Before buying or adopting a pet cat, make sure a cat is the right type of pet for your family. Cats can sometimes carry germs that can make people sick, even when they appear clean and healthy. Visit your veterinarian for routine care to keep your cat healthy and to prevent infectious diseases.

Can you catch a cold or flu from a cat?

People can potentially get flu from a sick cat by touching virus-containing secretions from the cat and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Also, sick cats may cough or sneeze, which can expel droplets containing the virus into the air that a person can breathe in or that can enter a person’s eyes, nose or mouth.