how to get a siberian cat

  1. Make a list of local breeders. Your first step should be to make a list of all the Siberian cats breeders in your area. Start with the registries. …
  2. Identify a Responsible Breeder. After you made a list of breeders, it’s important to identify a responsible one. …
  3. Visit the cattery. This is where you trust your gut feeling.

We are located on the west coast of the United States and haven’t really found anything substantial (perhaps because we are visiting the wrong websites). If the flight nanny is on the other coast, we would be willing to travel to pick her up or hire her.

UPDATE: It’s been a while since I wrote this, but I’m updating it in case it might be useful to anyone else: we adopted our gorgeous Siberian kitten from the Bay Area’s Blue Eyed Frisco cattery. We paid $2100 (including $200 deposit) in cash. I adore her dearly and she is the healthiest baby girl I have ever known. They are excellent breeders, and I think they participate in some sort of cat exchange program with other Russian breeders, which I assume is done to diversify the gene pool there. My baby was actually flown over from Russia with her siblings a few weeks before I got her; when I asked, she was already in the US. She was not born in the US. They had a lot of healthy kittens and queens at their location, which was really clean when I went over to pick her up. The cats were all very beautiful and happy. They also gave me my baby’s passport book of vaccinations and a certificate of her pedigree, albeit both in Russian. Highly recommend this cattery!.

EDIT: I discovered that the deposit was actually $200 rather than $100 after looking over old receipts from months ago. I fixed the amount in the above update.

Thank you so much in advance for letting me know about any forums, websites, or catteries that we should check out!

We have only been searching forums and Google, which has brought us to a few respectable breeders, but we have not been able to contact any of them. One “cattery” did reply to my message, offering a lovely Siberian kitten for $600, but I became suspicious of the price and discovered they were a scammer.

Our decision to adopt a Siberian cat was primarily influenced by rumors that the breed was hypoallergenic. Although the breed is not completely hypoallergenic, we can confirm that individuals with allergies may experience a significant reduction in their allergies when using this breed. Tony experiences breathing difficulties, hives, and irritation in his eyes due to his severe allergy to most cats. His symptoms usually go away when he lives with Reinhardt and Perseus, unless he happens to be in the same room as one of them using the litter box or if we forget to clean the house during the shedding season. Although he still gets symptoms like sneezing if he comes into contact with cat saliva or forgets to wash his hands after petting them, my cousin, who is also allergic, finds that he can hold Reinhardt without his allergies being triggered.

The cats were able to pick up a lot of tricks, even though we weren’t the most diligent in our training. They occasionally like to play fetch, which we thought was pretty cool. Because of his exceptional cunning, Perseus can get into places he shouldn’t be and open doors. This can be problematic.

Reinhardt and Perseus show us how much they care about us by showing us their affection in their own unique ways. When we get home, they both like running to meet us at the door and prefer to be in the same room as us. Perseus is a lap cat and snuggle bug who will take attention whenever you want it, but Reinhardt will only give you attention when you visit certain areas of the house, like the kitchen floor mat and the upstairs bathroom. Both cats prefer to sleep in the same room at night or right outside the bedroom door, and they always want to spend some time lying in bed in the morning.

Siberians experience fairly intense shedding periods throughout the year because of their seasonal coats. During this time, be sure to vacuum more frequently, particularly if any members of your household are allergic to cats. We prefer to bathe the cats once their shedding has mostly stopped because it helps immensely with Tony’s allergies and can help remove loose fur. The shedding season is a great opportunity to gather your cat’s fur and give felting a try if you’re really crafty!

Reinhardt usually needs to have his hair combed every day and his teeth thoroughly brushed once a week. We use x and y. We never just stab him when we comb him; instead, we always comb in the direction of the fur and attempt to reach the bottom layer. The top layer frequently conceals the problem, with the bottom layers typically mating the most. He loves it best when we start by comb his mane and around his head. From there, we move to his sides and back. He doesn’t like having his hind legs and stomach combed, so sometimes I have to wait until later in the day when he’s sleepy to get those areas done. His tail never gets matting, and his fur is much greasier there, so I hardly ever brush or comb it. The procedure is the same when brushing him, but we move more slowly and use shorter strokes to prevent tangles and fur ripping out. If you do come across a particularly stubborn knot, you can attempt to untangle it with a comb or you might need to cut it out and then untangle it. Take extreme caution when doing this to avoid cutting their skin!