how to get my cat fat

How to get a cat fat with a calorie surplus diet

It seems easy enough to feed your cat more calories than they burn when following a calorie surplus diet, but it’s not really that easy. Any high-calorie feline diet requires careful consideration of where the calories are coming from. Three nutrients are available to cats as food sources, as shown in the table below:


Calories per gram







Because of their carnivorous nature, cats are skilled at processing calories from proteins and fats rather than carbohydrates. Due to their shorter digestive tracts than those of herbivores and omnivores, cats should only eat meat because anything else can slow down their metabolism and make their stomachs more sensitive.

Bulking 101: Your cat ought to be able to gain muscle mass without putting on weight Choose whole meat proteins. Don’t go for cheat meals packed with carbs and fats.

Whatever your cat’s nutritional objectives, the food they eat should honor their natural diet and include:

  • Over 50% animal protein (as the primary source of calories)
  • %20Up%20to%2020%%20animal%20fat%20(as fats are high in energy, a small amount works well as a secondary source of calories)
  • Between 0%–3% carbs

For a malnourished cat to regain a healthy weight, a daily diet of high-protein wet food containing real meat and fish is recommended. Steer clear of products that are high in fat or carbohydrates because they contribute to unhealthy fat mass rather than building muscles and bones (excess carbs are broken down into excess fat and stored in cells).

From lanky to lovely—Untamed supports effortless weight management at every age

What happens when a cat transitions to regular Untamed meals has been shared by our happy clients. Here’s the timeline:

Period on Untamed

The Untamed effect

One week

  • Improved digestion
  • Kitty stays hydrated
  • A cleaner litter tray

Two months

  • Stronger bones, muscles, and teeth
  • Balanced appetite
  • No lethargy

Four months

  • Strong and voluminous coat
  • Fewer hairballs
  • No unnatural shedding

Six months and up

  • Effortless weight control
  • Fewer sick days thanks to tip-top immune function
  • Stabilised eating habits (no overeating or gorging)

How much and how often should skinny cats eat?

For a healthy indoor cat, 40–45 calories per kilogram of body weight are required each day. Nutritionists advise skinny cats to consume 50–60 calories daily for each kilogram of body weight.

That equates, approximately speaking, to 280–400 calories per day, depending on the size of your cat (i e. More food would be required by an underweight Ragdoll or Maine Coon than by a small Siamese or Sphynx. Given that one can of wet food has between 70 and 100 calories, your cat needs to eat four to six cans per day in order to gain weight.

Keep your cat from being forced to eat too much at once. To prevent straining their small tummies and causing gastrointestinal episodes, such as gagging or throwing up undigested food, vomiting, and diarrhea, divide their daily intake into three to eight meals. Be patient as weight gain is a gradual process that can take months to achieve.