how to get skunk smell off cat

Instead of tomato juice, the most effective homemade remedy to de-skunk your cat, after consulting a veterinarian, is to make a solution of one quart of three percent hydrogen peroxide, one quarter cup baking soda, and one to two teaspoons of liquid hand soap.

Take your cat to the veterinarian right away or give us a call at 415-554-3030 if you notice any signs of drooling, vomiting, nausea, sneezing, or an intense skin or eye reaction, or if skunk spray gets in their mouth or nose!

When your cat gets sprayed by a skunk, you can tell right away because of two things: first, the smell, which is a lot like rotten eggs; and second, they will usually roll around and try to wipe off the spray.

Work your way through each section, wetting the area that was sprayed by the skunk after mixing up the solution and donning gloves. Let the solution sit for 5-7 minutes the rinse. You may need to repeat this process 2-3 times. Note: Take care to keep the hydrogen peroxide solution away from their mouth, nose, and eyes. Never store solution. Peroxide may bleach (discolor) fur. Additionally, keep in mind that this solution releases oxygen, so it should be prepared in a well-ventilated area far from a flame.

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What is skunk spray and why do they spray? A common misconception is that since it’s water-based, it’s simple to wash off. Actually, the skunk’s anal gland produces this oil, which contains sulfurous compounds known as thiols. Skunks can shoot up to 15 feet in the air to defend themselves. The skunk perceives your cat as a threat when their curiosity brings them too close.

Best Skunk Spray Home Remedy

The best option, unless you can get a hold of a commercial skunk odor remover quickly, is a homemade solution that breaks down the chemicals in skunk spray. Paul Krebaum, a chemist, created a straightforward solution that oxidizes thiols, the substances responsible for skunk odor.

Mix 2 cups fresh of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, an eighth of a cup of baking soda and a half-teaspoon of liquid dish soap and apply it to your pet right away. The interaction between the ingredients breaks down the stinky chemicals, so it works only right after its mixed. Dont store it — the container could explode.

Wet your cats coat. If you want to try deskunking her without giving her a bath, soak a rag or paper towels with water. Scatter the hydrogen peroxide mixture over the cat’s skunk-sprayed areas. Dont put it on her face. In three to five minutes, completely rinse the mixture with lukewarm water.

Hydrogen peroxide can cause bleaching and may change the color of your cats coat. If the odor still lingers, apply the mixture again. This is an emergency measure for removing skunk odor. Hydrogen peroxide is too harsh to use regularly on a cat.


How long does skunk smell last on cat?

If your cat or dog is sprayed by a skunk, doing nothing is NOT an option because the skunk smell can linger on your pet’s fur for up to three weeks. All the while, your pet will spread that awful skunk smell around your house… which can also last for three weeks.

What can you do if your cat gets sprayed by a skunk?

Your best solution is to buy and over-the-counter skunk combatant which you can purchase from our online pharmacy or make your own with a few household ingredients: 4 cups hydrogen peroxide. ¼ cup baking soda. 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap.

What neutralizes skunk smell?

Chemist Paul Krebaum discovered a solution that changes the odorous thiols into odorless acids, thereby chemically neutralizing the skunk odor. The formula is: 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle), • ¼ cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and • 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap.