how to get snot out of cats nose

The use of a humidifier, a vaporizer, or the steam from a hot shower may help your cat breathe more easily. Gently wipe nasal discharge from your cat’s nostrils with a soft damp towel. Your cat may not be able to smell his/her food as well as before.


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Examine your cat’s eyes and nose for any clear or hazy discharge, as this could indicate an upper respiratory infection, before treating a stuffy nose. You can wait for your cat’s upper respiratory infection to go away on its own for seven to ten days. To help with the stuffiness in the interim, wipe your cat’s nose several times a day with a wet cotton ball. To help the steam clear its congestion, you can also bring it into the bathroom and turn on a hot shower for ten minutes. See a veterinarian if your cat is having breathing difficulties or if it is exhibiting pus-like discharge so that it can be treated. Scroll down to find out how to get veterinary care for a cat that has a fungal or bacterial infection!

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Depending on the circumstances, you may or may not need to be concerned if your cat’s nose is running. The fact is that although some cases of runny nose are easily treated, other times they are a sign of a more serious health problem. Continue reading to find out what causes cats’ runny noses and when you should take your pet to the vet for treatment.

Why Your Cat’s Nose Is Running

If your cat has a runny nose, the tissues in their sinuses or nasal cavities are probably inflamed, injured, or infected.

But if your cat is consistently snotty, then they could have an upper respiratory infection. Most upper respiratory infections in cats are caused by viruses, like herpes viruses and caliciviruses, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Bacterial infections are the second most common cause of runny noses, which include Chlamydophila felis and Bordetella bronchiseptica. Thankfully, if your cat has had their recommended vaccines their risk of contracting these infections is dramatically diminished.

But there are other reasons your cat’s nose might be running besides straightforward upper respiratory infections, the majority of which are minor and don’t need medical attention. These include:

  • Generally speaking, rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages that causes runny nose. Upper respiratory tract infections, viruses, bacteria, and, less frequently, fungi can all cause rhinitis. Although they are not a particularly common cause of rhinitis in cats, allergies are still a possibility.
  • Foreign bodies: A cat may experience a runny nose and colored discharge if they inhale a foreign body, such as a piece of food or a strand of yarn.
  • Nasal cancer: In cats, this kind of cancer can be quite aggressive. Early symptoms may include a simple runny nose, but they can also include facial swelling, pain, congestion, and thick or colored discharge.
  • Bloody nose: Inflammatory disorders, cancer, foreign bodies in the body, and clotting issues can all cause bloody noses.
  • Trauma: When swelling goes down, blows to the nose can cause a bloody discharge that clears up. Trauma-related nasal discharge can also get infected and turn greenish-yellow.
  • Toxic irritants: Being exposed to toxins can cause extreme inflammation and irritation of the nose, which can result in runny nose.
  • Nasal polyps: These benign growths can produce a runny nose, congestion, and frequent sneezing.


How can I unclog my cat’s nose at home?

While your cat is sick, increase humidity in your house by keeping a humidifier or vaporizer running. If your cat has a stuffy nose use a clean damp cloth or some cotton wool soaked in warm water to gently wipe your cat’s nose. Cleanse and soothe your cat’s watery eyes by applying a saline solution with gauze pads.

How do you get boogers out of a cat’s nose?

At home, a warm towel can be used to gently wipe away nasal discharge and crusts that can cover the nostrils. Nasal discharge can range from a thin, clear fluid to a thick, yellow or green mucus. A humidifier can help break up any congestion your cat may have.

Can you flush a cat’s sinuses?

A nasal flush may be indicated for cats with chronic rhinitis and can be used to dislodge blockages and debris a few times per year. This procedure will need to be completed by a vet as your cat will need to be sedated.

How do you get mucus out of a cat?

Take your cat into your bathroom, close the door, close any windows, and turn off any vent fans then run a hot shower – hot enough to allow your bathroom to fill with steam. Once the bathroom is steam-filled, keep your cat in the room for 10-15 minutes to allow her to breathe the moisture-laden air.