what does aluminum foil do to cats

It has a strange sound

And believe it or not, aluminum foil actually makes high-pitched sounds that humans can’t hear but your cat definitely can. “Cats have extremely acute hearing, and the strange crinkly noise that the foil makes when touched can be irritating to their ears,” Dr. Conrad told The Dodo.

Cats Hate the Look, Feel and Sound of “Tin” Foil

Additionally, aluminum foil has some special qualities that make it especially frightening to cats when they first come into contact with it. The foil makes a loud, high-pitched crinkling sound when it is bent, moved, or stepped on. In fact, the sound produced by crumpled aluminum foil is so high-pitched that it enters the ultrasonic range. Since our ears are not designed to detect ultrasonic noises, this sound might not bother us as much. But cats are far more sensitive to high-pitched sounds. While we may not be able to fully comprehend the sound of crinkling foil, it’s possible that it sounds to humans like nails on a chalkboard. Many of their natural prey, such as mice and rodents, communicate using ultrasonic sound, so it’s no wonder cat ears are tuned to pick up on such high-pitched noises! When a cat is not expecting it, the abrupt, high-pitched crinkle combined with the remarkably smooth foil texture may result in a sensory overload. The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants stated in one of their articles that cats have an innate fight-or-flight response to frightening situations and would prefer to run and hide from a perceived threat. There’s no doubt that a sensory overload could put the cat in a fearful state, causing them to automatically take flight—when in doubt, run away from the possible threat! Another theory is that the foil mimics some characteristics of water, such as being reflective and shiny. If a cat was never exposed to foil before and all of a sudden there was a big “puddle” of it on the countertop or floor, it might initially be confused for water. It’s safe to say that cats generally like to stay dry. Therefore, the majority of cats would probably be reluctant to walk directly onto the foil if they initially thought it was water. It’s hard to tell for sure if cats are actually led to believe the foil is a body of water, but if it’s something they’ve never seen before, they probably just think it poses a risk they want to avoid.

Do Cats Hate Aluminum Foil?

Hall, whose own cats seemed to enjoy the foil she tried putting under her Christmas tree one year, claims that they don’t detest foil.

It can surprise them, though. Thats why you see videos of cats jumping onto counters only to comically spring back into the air as they touch the foil. They might be put off by its shininess or the sound it makes at first, but chances are theyll go up there again, Reimers says.

She continues, “What are you going to do, leave foil on the counter forever?” “Sooner or later that is just routine for them. “.

There may be cats that detest foil, but there are alternative approaches to prevent your cat from going near counters, if that’s even something you’d want to do.

Find Alternatives

Give your cats more options if they want a place to perch, advise Hall and Reimers. Giving your cats a more interesting place to lounge than the counter can be accomplished by adding a cat tree or window perch to your house. Perhaps place a toy infused with catnip there to increase its allure.


Is aluminum foil toxic to cats?

Common household items that can be dangerous/toxic to cats. 1. Aluminum Foil / Corks, etc. Cats may love to play with an aluminum foil ball or cork on a string, but these objects can kill.

Does aluminum foil keep cats away?

Cats Hate the Look, Feel and Sound of “Tin” Foil When moved, bent, or stepped on, the foil has a very distinct high-pitched crinkling sound. Crinkling aluminum foil actually emits a sound so high-pitched that it reaches into the ultrasonic range.

What happens when a cat jumps on aluminum foil?

It can surprise them, though. That’s why you see videos of cats jumping onto counters only to comically spring back into the air as they touch the foil. They might be put off by its shininess or the sound it makes at first, but chances are they’ll go up there again, Reimers says.

Do cats hate the sound of aluminum foil?

If you’re having an issue with your cat climbing all over your kitchen counters, then the tin foil trick may be for you. Since most cats dislike the way aluminum foil feels and sounds under their paws, it can be an effective deterrent for keeping them off of a surface you don’t want them to walk on.