what does an abscess look like on a cat

Typically, an abscess appears suddenly as a painful swelling that may be either firm to the touch or compressible like a water balloon.

Signs your cat has an abscess

Abscesses typically develop two to seven days following a cat bite. Your cat might start acting and looking sick; it could have a fever, feel warm to the touch, lack appetite, or seem listless. Some cats might even get grumpy and upset.

You can gently touch the area to feel for a soft, warm lump if you think you may have an abscess. If your cat’s abscess has already burst, it will appear as an open wound, oozing pus. Be advised, abscesses can burst and drain easily, and will release foul-smelling ooze. This is why wearing latex gloves is a good idea!

It’s critical to treat an abscess in your cat as soon as possible because cats experience pain from the buildup of pressure inside the abscess. If they don’t go away completely, your veterinarian may advise you to stick to a treatment plan; otherwise, they may come back.

Surgery is typically used to drain pus from an abscess and remove any dead skin. Sometimes, tiny latex drains are put in to keep the pus flowing and let the wound heal.

It will probably be necessary for you to give your cat antibiotics and keep them inside for about seven days after you bring them home in order to allow the wound to heal properly. For a while, your cat might also be wearing an Elizabethan collar to deter them from trying to gnaw out any drains they may have.

In addition, you’ll need to gently pull at them twice a day and remove any scabs that form if they do have drains. This keeps the wound open and permits the pus to continue dripping out.

Abscesses can affect any cat at any point in their life. So, if you’ve got a feline in the family, the chances are that one day you might have a cat abscess on your hands and your pet will rely on your help to get them back to their normal, happy self.

Find out everything you need to know about cat abscesses, what to do if they burst, and when to call the vet for assistance by continuing to read.

What causes a cat abscess?

An abscess is frequently caused by a wound or scratch from another animal, usually a cat. Strong-willed cats or those who spend a lot of time outside can frequently get into fights that end in scratches or bites. In this instance, the bacteria present on the teeth or claws are essentially introduced into the wound that results. Cats have quick skin healing, which seals wounds and traps bacteria beneath the skin. The bacteria will then multiply in a pocket that is beneath the skin, resulting in a cat abscess.

Abscesses can also result from injuries caused by objects like sticks or nails, but more often than not, another cat is to blame. Remember that even though humans can get infections from cat bites, it’s crucial to seek medical attention if you’ve been the victim of a serious cat bite or scratch!

Your cat’s abscess on its face might not have been brought on by a wound after all. A cat tooth abscess is an additional possibility. It arises when an infection appears beneath the gum line. This may be the result of oral trauma or inadequate dental hygiene.

Internal abscesses are also seen in cats. Even though they’re less frequent, liver, brain, or lung abscesses can occasionally occur. They are brought on by an infection that enters the internal organ and are occasionally connected to a foreign object.


Will cat abscess heal on its own?

Left untreated, some abscesses will burst and heal naturally. Unfortunately, some cases will develop serious consequences such as pyothorax (pus in the chest cavity), septic arthritis (infection in the joint), and tissue necrosis (where the blood supply to the skin or muscle is affected and the tissue dies).

What does a popped abscess look like on a cat?

When an abscess ruptures, you may notice a thick, yellow and foul smelling discharge and a hole in the abscessed area. If the abscess is deep under the skin, you may notice an indentation when pressure is applied to the area of swelling.

How can I treat my cats abscess at home?

Make sure the room is warm and dry and provide your cat with everything she needs to recover comfortably, like a litter box, soft blankets, food, and fresh water. Keep the wound clean by wiping it with a clean cloth soaked in warm water. Keep wiping the site until you remove all the visible pus.

What causes an abscess in an indoor cat?

Abscesses may form when a causative organism is inoculated into the skin and subcutis. This occurs from bite wounds, trauma, or hematogenous spread of a systemic infection to the subcutis. Bite wounds from cat to cat fights are most common, and oral flora is the source of bacteria recovered from fight wound abscesses.