what does cat spray look like on walls

Why Does My Cat Spray?

Cats in the wild use scent signals—such as rubbing, scratching, urinating, and spraying—to communicate with other cats. Scent signals allow cats to identify territory claims made by other cats, as well as when they were there and may return, and whether they are courting a mate. While the majority of indoor-only neutered cats do not feel the need to spray, those that do are usually stressed and seek protection from their own scent. Even though your cat lives in a secure and caring environment, she might still experience anxiety and want to mark her territory.

What does a spraying cat do?

You’ll know when your cat is pee marking or spraying if you catch them doing it. When a cat sprays, its tails stand up and tremble as it backs up against a wall or other vertical surface. A cat’s whole body may quiver. Occasionally, a cat will also use her back legs to simulate pedaling. To help you understand what you’re looking at when you see it, here are a few videos:

A cat that sprays will only leave small amounts of urine behind; it is not attempting to empty its bladder completely. Because spraying is not a means of self-relief, cats who spray also frequently use the litter box.

An indoor cat that likes to spray will frequently decide to do so near doors and windows, which are common entry and exit points. When outdoor cats spray, they usually do so around a property’s boundaries or on noticeable items like large trees. Additionally, outside cats have been known to spray on nearby new objects as well as areas that other cats have previously marked. [1].

what does cat spray look like on walls

Your cat may not be urine marking just because she is leaving pee where it shouldn’t be.

What difference does it make? It matters because you cannot solve an issue if you are unable to recognize what it is that you are experiencing.

Spraying is different from “improper elimination. A cat that urinates on a shirt that has been left on the floor or ignores the litter box is conveying one message, but a cat that sprayed your front door moments ago is conveying a different one.

Take your cat to the vet

Take your cat to the veterinarian first, before you do anything else. Urine marking may result from stress and anxiety, so it’s important to rule out any medical issues first. For you and your cat, a diagnosis and treatment plan may spell the end of this issue. But keep in mind that there are no health issues that directly lead to a cat spraying.


What does it look like when a cat sprays on a wall?

Common sites for inappropriate urination include carpet, settees, duvets, baths or sinks. To spray urine, the cat stands up, usually making a treading motion with its back feet, quivers its tail and a small amount of urine is sprayed backwards onto a vertical surface such as a wall, leaving an obvious scent mark.

How can I tell if my cat is spraying in the house?

When spraying, a cat usually backs up to a vertical object like the side of a chair, a wall or a stereo speaker, stands with his body erect and his tail extended straight up in the air, and sprays urine onto the surface. Often his tail and sometimes his entire body twitch while he’s spraying.

What color is it when cats spray?

Cat spray looks and smells like urine, to a point. A well-hydrated kitty produces light yellow urine with its typical acidic odor. But because of pheromones in cat spray, it’s often darker yellow and smells particularly more pungent.

Is cat spray visible?

Some urine marking can take place on horizontal surfaces (usually objects or items of clothing on the floor), either in a squatting posture or by standing and spraying. The spray marks can be quite hard to find, you may just be aware of the smell.