what does cat urine look like

Normal cat urine should be clear and pale yellow to amber in color. Any change in color — which you would notice if your cat urinates on the floor or in a sink — should be reported to your veterinarian.

A Cat Urine Color Chart To Pinpoint Common Health Issues

According to Dr., this cat urine color chart explains the various shades of pee you might notice and what they could mean for your cat’s health. O’Daniel.

Color Health problem What to do next
Clear, pale amber, or light yellow Generally, these colors point to healthy urine. That said, urine could remain clear even when your cat has an underlying health issue, including problems with kidney function. If your cat has clear urine with new and unusual litter box behaviors, like urinating outside the box or peeing more frequently, call your vet.
Dark yellow This can suggest dehydration. Offer plenty of fresh, cool water. Cats need four ounces of water for each five pounds of body weight every day. If your cat drinks plenty of water and their pee stays dark yellow, your vet can offer more guidance.
Cloudy This can indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary crystals usually aren’t visible to the naked eye, but you may see what looks like tiny “bits” in the urine. If your cat’s urine becomes cloudy, you’ll want to make a vet appointment as soon as possible. Treating infections promptly can help keep them from getting worse and causing additional complications.
Orange or red Urine that appears orange, pink, red, or bloody can signal infection and inflammation. Reddish or bloody urine is always a medical emergency, so call your vet right away.

Your veterinarian is your best resource for ensuring the health and welfare of your pets, so you should always visit or call them with any questions or concerns. References.

See 6 Astonishing Cats’ Kidney Disease Facts. The terms “straw-colored” or “golden” are frequently used to characterize the yellowish tint of normal urine. The urine shouldn’t be cloudy or difficult to see through. Changes in particulate matter (floating debris), cloudiness, or color (dark or light) are most frequently linked to kidney or bladder problems. Normal cat urine smell: If your cat is an adult who has been spayed or neutered, the likelihood is that their odor isn’t too overpowering. The typical urine smell is weak and somewhat acidic, with a hint of pungent notes. Unusual cat urine: Many cats with kidney or bladder issues will urinate outside of the litterbox4. I advise cat guardians that if their cat is having “accidents” in the house, it’s best to seek emergency veterinary care as there may be a serious illness present. Abnormal frequency of cat urination Any variation in the frequency of urination should raise concerns. Reduced urination, which is more common in male cats and is frequently accompanied by straining, or vocalization can indicate a urethral blockage. 5This type of obstruction can become life-threatening within hours. Increased urination has also been linked to painful cystitis (inflammation) and bladder infections. Diabetic kidney disease, behavioral issues, and diabetes can also result in increased frequency of urination. Your cat might be able to signal for assistance only by using the litterbox more or less regularly or by urinating in strange locations. Heed the call quickly. Unusual color change in cat urine: The most frequent color shift that cat guardians notify me about is dark or bloody urine. Pet owners in a panic call me, describing a trail marked in red that leads from the litterbox to the food bowl. Notify your veterinarian right away if you notice any color changes, particularly if the urine has a red tint. My main concern is that blood clots, crystals, or swelling from an infection or inflammation could obstruct the urethra and result in a potentially fatal lack of urine flow. Because urethral blockage can happen in a matter of hours, prompt medical attention or surgery is essential. Other changes to look out for are colorless urine. Dilute urine, a symptom of kidney disease or diabetes, is frequently indicated by pale, watery urine lacking a healthy golden glow. Generally speaking, your veterinarian should check it if the color or constancy change is noticeable enough for you to notice. Unusual cat urine odor Due to the subjective nature of odor and the phenomenon known as “olfactory fatigue” among cat guardians, many find it challenging to detect problematic scents in their litterbox. When I’ve opened a lot of cat carriers, the scent shockwave has really taken me by surprise. Many urine malodors are associated with bladder infections and cystitis(inflammation)6. Urine odor can also drastically change due to tumors and hormonal disorders, particularly in male cats. Generally speaking, take your cat to the vet to be checked out if you notice something strange in the litterbox. The key to understanding “normal versus abnormal cat urine” and the litterbox is understanding what is normal for your cat. Keep a close eye out for any changes in frequency, color, or odor because a cat’s lower urinary tract is highly prone to infection, inflammation, and offers insight into kidney function, diabetes, and other illnesses. I frequently tell pet parents that “subtle can be significant,” and when it comes to a cat urinating, this is especially true. Simple blood and urine tests can promptly inform your veterinarian about the proper diagnosis, course of treatment, and prognosis if your cat has abnormal urine. Most causes of abnormal urine in cats can be resolved with early treatment, so your cat will soon feel playful again.

Nobody likes a smelly litterbox. Normal cat urine While even the cleanest kitty condo will have a distinct scent, how can a cat guardian distinguish between sickly and stinky? Normal cat urine Perhaps the most difficult thing to do is observe your cat’s urine. Modern litter and litterboxes are great at hiding smells and sight. When using the litterbox, the majority of cats demand complete seclusion, which makes monitoring nearly impossible. Here are a few indicators that your cat is urinating regularly, provided you put in a little imagination and dedication: Normal cat urine frequency Cats originated in the dry, arid regions of Mesopotamia1. Due to the scarcity of water, they created ingenious methods to stay hydrated. Because of this, the majority of adult, healthy indoor cats will urinate twice daily on average. Water intake, temperature and humidity, food moisture content, and medical conditions like kidney disease, bladder infections, liver issues, hormonal imbalances, and more can all affect how often your cat urinates2. It’s critical to understand your cat’s typical daily urination and elimination patterns. Five times a day is fine for some cats, but would indicate a significant increase for others. Since many cats only use the litterbox once or twice a day, using it four times would be cause for concern. Don’t wait if your cat starts urinating more or less than usual out of the blue. Your veterinarian should examine any changes in the frequency of your urination right away.

Is my cat peeing too much?

Are you unsure if your cat urinates too little or too often?

A healthy adult cat excretes around 0.6 to 0.9 ounces of urine for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. So, a 10-pound cat may pee as much as 4 ounces—roughly a half cup—of urine a day.

Your cat may urinate more or less than usual, and you may notice that the litter box stays suspiciously dry or has twice as many clumps as usual.


How do you know if something has cat pee on it?

When shone under the ultraviolet rays of a blacklight, the odor-causing chemicals in cat urine illuminate. Blacklights can even help you to discover very old spots and a pet stain or two that you might not have even been aware were there.

What color is cat pee?

In healthy animals, a normal cat pee color is yellow. And while cat urine can be pale in color or appear more amber, it should look clear, not cloudy. If you notice cat urine that is cloudy or tinted orange or red, it could be hematuria (blood in the urine), and you’ll want to visit a veterinarian.

What does cat UTI urine look like?

The majority of cats with a urinary tract infection will generally have urine that is discolored or tinged with blood. A female cat is at a greater risk for a urinary tract infection that leads to blood in the urine than male cats.

What does bad cat pee look like?

Although it can be hard to monitor your cat’s urine color and consistency since kitty tends to demand complete privacy when using the box, if you notice cloudy, dark, or crystallized cat pee, get kitty to the vet.