what does it mean to declaw a cat

Declawing is the amputation of the last bone of each toe on a cat’s paw. It would be like cutting off your finger at the last knuckle. The standard method of declawing is amputating with a scalpel or guillotine clipper. The wounds are closed with stitches or surgical glue, and the feet are bandaged.

Use cat deterrents on furniture

Tin foil and sticky tape applied to furniture’s edges, according to Wilde, can both help deter cats from scratching Another way to keep your cat away from places you don’t want his claws is to use pheromone sprays.

Consult your veterinarian about safe materials to use before making your own cat deterrent. For example, many essential oils may repel cats, but they are bad for their health.

Invest in scratch-resistant furniture

Not all furniture can easily be torn to shreds by kitty’s claws. Look for durable materials that are tough to puncture and designed to be resistant to pets resistant to pets to pets. This could mean smoother, non-fabric surfaces or tightly woven layers.

Wilde remembers, “I have sadly sacrificed two couches and my new rug to my cat.” “I did my homework before purchasing my most recent couch, and I came across a brand that was truly tested on cats and touted as pet / cat scratch resistant, which it is!”

Where is declawing cats illegal?

Most of the European Union, Australia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, New Zealand, Israel, and many other countries prohibit cat declawing because they believe it to be needless and cruel.

In Canada, declawing cats is presently permissible at the federal level. However, the following provinces have made it illegal:

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island

In 2003, West Hollywood, CA, became the first city in the United States to ban cat declawing, and numerous other cities around the country have since followed suit. In 2019, New York became the first state to do so. It is joined only by Maryland, which passed a bill in March 2022 to ban declawing. Other states could soon follow suit, however — a bill to ban the practice was proposed in Massachusetts state house in May 2023.

While declawing is still legal in most states, the Humane Society has posted the following statement to their website: “The Humane Society of the United States opposes declawing except for the rare cases when it is necessary for medical purposes, such as the removal of cancerous nail bed tumors.”

Thankfully, there are a lot of non-declawing options available for cat owners that can save both your bond and your cat’s paws.


Is it cruel to declaw a cat?

Sensory and motor nerves are cut, damaged and destroyed. Recovery from the surgery is a slow and painful process. This procedure can hamper the sensations and enjoyment involved in walking, running, springing, climbing and stretching. “Declawing is an inhumane, unnecessary procedure that has many alternatives.

Why do people declaw cats?

However, she adds, many people declaw cats to stop them from scratching the furniture, which she calls “essentially an act of mutilation done to modify the cat for our benefit”.

What happens to a cat when it is declawed?

Declawed cats are more likely to have a difficult time walking because with the ends of their toes removed, they’re forced to walk on the soft cartilage that was previously a part of their joints. They’re also known to chew at the stubs of their paws, and may suffer from chronic pain.

Why do vets still declaw cats?

There are, however, some situations in which declawing may be considered, such as when a cat’s excessive or inappropriate scratching behavior causes an unacceptable risk of injury or remains destructive despite conscientious attention to behavioral modification and alternatives.